The Power of God fell upon the people
Pastor Apolinaria has set up a 3-night Campaign Meeting in her village of Muñóz. We made 2 large signs, about 12 feet high. These meetings have been advertized regularly on a Christian radio station. The sound of the music could be heard through the 10 foot high speakers, which were next to the platform. A large crowd gathered to worship God and hear the word of God ministered.
After the word of God was shared, only a few people answered the altar call at first. It only took a few minutes for others to flood the altar, seeking God for salvation, healing and deliverance. There were eight of us praying for the people; myself, Candy, the interpreter, Pastor Apolinaria and 4 evangelists. People were making lines, waiting for prayer. There was a group of 25 children, from the ages of 5 to 10, looking for salvation. The Lord touched every child gently by his Spirit and they fell to the ground under the power of God.
A 13 year old boy was brought to the altar by his mother. He had been blind from birth. He had areas of hardened skin under his eyes. When the evangelist prayed for him, scales fell off from his eyes. God healed his eyes instantly and he was able to see clearly! He identified how many fingers that were put up several times.
Hundreds came to the altar. Brother Rafeal stopped counting the people coming for salvation after number 40. So many people flooded the Altar that we could not even see an end to the people. The anointing of God was so present that many were delivered, including one girl who was only about 8 years old. The Lord surely came down in His power tonight to do a work only He could do. We all left walking down the road to the Pastor’s house, full of joy, rejoicing over all the mighty works the Lord had done. We are looking forward to the next 2 nights, with great expectancy to see what our GOD will do!
God Bless,
Rev. George & Sis. Candice Teachman
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Reports from the Dominican Republic...
God is moving the Dominican Republic! Rev. George & Sis. Candice Teachman report…
They shall lay their hands upon the sick and they shall recover
In one service, the Lord told Candy to touch one man’s shoulder in prayer. As she prayed, his bad shoulder was instantly healed. He had been suffering from pain in his right shoulder for years. When he was healed, he wept under the power of God.
We went to pray for the people in their homes. In the first house we went to, both the husband and wife, who had been sick, received healing as we prayed. The next home was the home of Pastor Apolinaria’s father. He requested prayer for God to heal his eyes. We had him try to identify an object, which was a candle from 4 feet away. He couldn't identify it. He said he thought it was a coin. After prayer, we asked him again to identify the object. This time, he saw the object was a small candle. The vision in his right eye immediately improved.
We are having a large 3-day campaign meeting. A woman had been praying because she was experiencing bad pain in her stomach and could not attend the meetings. Her heart was to go. After prayer, she told us that her stomach was healed and she could attend the meetings.
God moves upon the youth
When we came into Pastor Apolinaria’s house this morning, 2 young neighbors were receiving prayer. A young man was being restored back to God, and a young lady was calling upon the Lord Jesus for her Salvation. Tears were flowing down her cheeks.
In one of the city churches that we ministered in, God moved powerfully upon the young people. About 20 of these young people gathered together after the altar call and the Holy Spirit started ministering to them through the young evangelists traveling with us. They were crying, trembling and dancing under the power of God. These young people were being charged to live holy in this ungodly world and the Holy Spirit really set them on fire.
Souls are being saved
The Lord has assembled a team here to evangelize the people with us. He revealed to me that I needed to ask another young man, who is an evangelist, to join us. God had already spoken to him, and he had already asked his Pastor for permission to join us before we had even called him. When we called him, he started shouting, knowing it was the will of God. This young man is on fire for God. He grew up a satanist and was pronounced dead for 3 days after being electrocuted. God raised him up and has called him to preach the Gospel. He was preaching on the bus and 2 people got saved. The bus driver stopped the bus and cried out loudly, “I NEED THIS JESUS.” The Lord saved him gloriously. When we picked him up at the bus, he was preaching with a megaphone to a large crowd in the center of town.
These young evangelists have been such a good example to the young people in Pastor Apolinaria’s church. This is an answer to her prayers. The young men are getting on fire, following their example.
God Bless,
Rev. George & Sis. Candice Teachman
Monday, October 21, 2013
Final Day - Pastor's Congress in Nauta, Loreto, Peru
Final day of conference - Oct. 18th
Wow! What a day we had with the pastors. We had our morning meeting where Minister Mancini taught on how we as leaders need to translate our dreams into visions for the congregation to grab a hold of it. He went into all the ways we can do this within the Church. Many pastors know the word of God in this area but lack teaching in how to apply it within their churches. It is important to not just be a dreamer - but to be a doer. That takes a vision. A vision is something you can see and obtain; there is a goal. The pastors really enjoyed this session as they work to translate their dreams into a vision. At the altar call we prayed together and witnessed an empowerment of the Holy Spirit for us to have this ability. Many pastors were weeping in the presence of God and being refreshed in their ministries.
We had a special surprise today where we were asked if we wanted to have the youth in that area come to church for a special service. Of course the answer was yes! Brother Daniel, Pastor Sifuentes' son, leads up about 20 young men in a soccer camp he holds at the church. He teaches them the Word of God , biblical principles to life and incorporates that into their training for soccer. It is basically their youth group, using soccer as the tool to reach them.
This team of 20 young men (ages 12-17) came for an afternoon service, where Minister Mancini brought an encouraging word about them being Arrows on Fire for God. The youth were attentive and at the altar call we prayed together to fulfill all that God has for our lives. Four of the men attend the church and are saved and Daniel is looking for the rest to make that commitment to the Lord. During this session the pastors were also in attendance and seen a vision of how they can reach their youth in their areas. They even stretched out their hands toward these young men and blessed them with their prayers. Here was the translation part in action - old men dreaming dreams and young men seeing visions- was happening right in front of their eyes!
To wrap up the conference, we came back that night for the final service. Minister Mancini preached that service and summed it all up- we have dreams, with the Holy Ghost as the power behind the dream. We have been protecting our dreams, we have started to see our dream being translated into a vision. There was only 1 thing left to happen- for it to come to pass. He preached on "It came to pass"...the dreams they have - God already knows them because He put it inside if them. And if He put it inside of them, He has already made the way for it to come to pass. The power of God hit that altar as the pastors stormed to it and held up their dreams to God and prophesied "It came to pass".
This conference was a blessing beyond measure. Special thanks to Pastor Gustavo Rodriguez of Lima, Peru, who translated for the team. Continue to pray for the jungles of Peru - continue to pray for those pastors, leaders and their congregations. God is about to make their dreams for saving souls, dreams of building churches, dreams of relieving poverty, dreams of crushing corruption, dreams for a better future for their youth, come to pass.
God bless you!
~Minister Marco Mancini
Wow! What a day we had with the pastors. We had our morning meeting where Minister Mancini taught on how we as leaders need to translate our dreams into visions for the congregation to grab a hold of it. He went into all the ways we can do this within the Church. Many pastors know the word of God in this area but lack teaching in how to apply it within their churches. It is important to not just be a dreamer - but to be a doer. That takes a vision. A vision is something you can see and obtain; there is a goal. The pastors really enjoyed this session as they work to translate their dreams into a vision. At the altar call we prayed together and witnessed an empowerment of the Holy Spirit for us to have this ability. Many pastors were weeping in the presence of God and being refreshed in their ministries.
We had a special surprise today where we were asked if we wanted to have the youth in that area come to church for a special service. Of course the answer was yes! Brother Daniel, Pastor Sifuentes' son, leads up about 20 young men in a soccer camp he holds at the church. He teaches them the Word of God , biblical principles to life and incorporates that into their training for soccer. It is basically their youth group, using soccer as the tool to reach them.
This team of 20 young men (ages 12-17) came for an afternoon service, where Minister Mancini brought an encouraging word about them being Arrows on Fire for God. The youth were attentive and at the altar call we prayed together to fulfill all that God has for our lives. Four of the men attend the church and are saved and Daniel is looking for the rest to make that commitment to the Lord. During this session the pastors were also in attendance and seen a vision of how they can reach their youth in their areas. They even stretched out their hands toward these young men and blessed them with their prayers. Here was the translation part in action - old men dreaming dreams and young men seeing visions- was happening right in front of their eyes!
To wrap up the conference, we came back that night for the final service. Minister Mancini preached that service and summed it all up- we have dreams, with the Holy Ghost as the power behind the dream. We have been protecting our dreams, we have started to see our dream being translated into a vision. There was only 1 thing left to happen- for it to come to pass. He preached on "It came to pass"...the dreams they have - God already knows them because He put it inside if them. And if He put it inside of them, He has already made the way for it to come to pass. The power of God hit that altar as the pastors stormed to it and held up their dreams to God and prophesied "It came to pass".
This conference was a blessing beyond measure. Special thanks to Pastor Gustavo Rodriguez of Lima, Peru, who translated for the team. Continue to pray for the jungles of Peru - continue to pray for those pastors, leaders and their congregations. God is about to make their dreams for saving souls, dreams of building churches, dreams of relieving poverty, dreams of crushing corruption, dreams for a better future for their youth, come to pass.
God bless you!
~Minister Marco Mancini
Friday, October 18, 2013
Day 2 - Pastor's Congress in Nauta, Loreto, Peru
Oct 17 – Day 2 of the Conference
Today started early for the team (5am). We had an opportunity to go on a radio show in town that broadcasts to Nauta and surrounding areas. Many of the farmers tune into the radio show and today they were able to hear an encouraging thought from Minister Mancini. It was a great opportunity to use every tool that God has provided us on this trip to spread the Gospel. Pastor Sifuentes also was able to promote the conference for those around the area. It was an awesome opportunity and we know it will reap good fruit.
We later went to start the morning portion of the conference where we continued in our theme about “Dreams and Visions”, where Minister Mancini taught on how we need to protect our dreams. The dreams we have for God will be attacked and we need to protect ourselves, our churches and our ministry in order to keep that dream alive. He brought a message where we are prepared to take on all that the enemy tries to throw our way and that we would have Total Victory over every situation. The pastors gathered around the altar and prayed together – one pastor broke loose and went into a warfare prayer – praying in tongues. He made sure his dreams were being protected! It was an awesome sight to see the men and women of God fight for their dreams through the power of prayer.
We also heard that Pastor Carlos, our pastor friend that God is healing from that neck and back condition, was able to sleep on his back last night for the first time in 1 yea!. He would always have to sleep on his side, but last night he slept soundly on his back and came in smiling and rejoicing to the service. He said – "every day God is doing something more for me!"
Pastor William Sifuentes taught in the evening service of not just hearing from God and getting information, but to use that knowledge that God has given us and apply it to our life and ministry. He confirmed many things that was brought throughout the week and really ministered to the pastors. Things are going to be different now...these pastors are going to apply these teachings. He left them encouraged that God is always for us and that when we do our part, God will take care of the rest. We had a great time of fellowship with the pastors and with the church members. A great unity in being produced. We are looking forward to our last day with the pastors tomorrow!
Please continue to pray for God to complete His work in this conference!
~Minister Marco Mancini
Today started early for the team (5am). We had an opportunity to go on a radio show in town that broadcasts to Nauta and surrounding areas. Many of the farmers tune into the radio show and today they were able to hear an encouraging thought from Minister Mancini. It was a great opportunity to use every tool that God has provided us on this trip to spread the Gospel. Pastor Sifuentes also was able to promote the conference for those around the area. It was an awesome opportunity and we know it will reap good fruit.
We later went to start the morning portion of the conference where we continued in our theme about “Dreams and Visions”, where Minister Mancini taught on how we need to protect our dreams. The dreams we have for God will be attacked and we need to protect ourselves, our churches and our ministry in order to keep that dream alive. He brought a message where we are prepared to take on all that the enemy tries to throw our way and that we would have Total Victory over every situation. The pastors gathered around the altar and prayed together – one pastor broke loose and went into a warfare prayer – praying in tongues. He made sure his dreams were being protected! It was an awesome sight to see the men and women of God fight for their dreams through the power of prayer.
We also heard that Pastor Carlos, our pastor friend that God is healing from that neck and back condition, was able to sleep on his back last night for the first time in 1 yea!. He would always have to sleep on his side, but last night he slept soundly on his back and came in smiling and rejoicing to the service. He said – "every day God is doing something more for me!"
Pastor William Sifuentes taught in the evening service of not just hearing from God and getting information, but to use that knowledge that God has given us and apply it to our life and ministry. He confirmed many things that was brought throughout the week and really ministered to the pastors. Things are going to be different now...these pastors are going to apply these teachings. He left them encouraged that God is always for us and that when we do our part, God will take care of the rest. We had a great time of fellowship with the pastors and with the church members. A great unity in being produced. We are looking forward to our last day with the pastors tomorrow!
Please continue to pray for God to complete His work in this conference!
~Minister Marco Mancini
Day 1 - Pastor's Congress in Nauta, Loreto, Peru
Oct 16 – Day 1 of the Conference
The theme of teaching and messages for this year’s conference is about “Dreams and Visions” according to the scripture in Joel 2:28 “…your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.”
Pastor William Sifuentes, the leader of the conference and local pastor in Nauta, Loreto, Peru opened the conference and greeted the attendees. We started off the morning with a teaching session, where Minister Marco Mancini taught on what it is to have a dream and that the power behind our dreams for God is the Holy Ghost - the Spirit of God. He taught that there are a lot of dreams that never come to pass because they have nothing driving it - but the Spirit of the Lord is the difference where dreams can become reality. The pastors and leaders in attendance were in full attention, taking notes and soaking it in.
There was an altar call and the pastors all came down to receive prayer and to dedicate their dreams to God. Some of these pastors lost their dream because of circumstances of life, discouragements and weariness. But God caused a fresh Spirit to blow the dust off their dreams. They have dreams to see souls saved, churches to be built, power to come to their ministry. God wants us to dream big!
In the evening service, more pastors arrived at the conference, including our pastor friend from Requena who had the back and neck problem - he was at the meeting! Another miracle! It takes about 3 hours by the “fast” boat to get to from his area to Nauta where the conference was being held. It takes much longer by a regular boat. For this man to have traveled that span is truly a testimony of God's healing power. This man was still smiling and praising God in the service. He mentioned that we came at a critical time in his life. His dream has been restored and nothing will hold him back!
Minister Mancini preached the night service on the how God wants to give us His Spirit in its fullness, not just for a time or for a task, but for our entire life. That is what it means to be filled, to have the true power of God. We all did some jungle shouting in this service!! To know that we can be filled with His Spirit is the greatest joy you can have!
During the altar call, we found a lot of the ladies that attended were reaching out for that Spirit. They too can have this Holy Ghost in their lives. One of the girls that came down was Hannah, Pastor William Sifuentes' adopted daughter (he has 2 natural children and 4 adopted/foster children). She was really reaching out to God and got filled with God’s Spirit. She came from a tribe down the river where her parents neglected her and left her to raise herself at a young age. Pastor William found her and asked if he can take her to raise her in his home. She has been there ever since and now is 17 years old. She has a servant's heart and carries a meek spirit. Here is a life that was destined for destruction and had no hope, until a man of God came by and brought the light of Jesus to that life!! Now she is happy, in a Christian home, serving God and tonight, filled with the Spirit! What an awesome God we serve! Here is one Pastor’s dream coming to pass.
Tomorrow will be another full day of the move of God. Continue to pray for the team. God Bless you!
~Minister Marco Mancini
The theme of teaching and messages for this year’s conference is about “Dreams and Visions” according to the scripture in Joel 2:28 “…your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.”
Pastor William Sifuentes, the leader of the conference and local pastor in Nauta, Loreto, Peru opened the conference and greeted the attendees. We started off the morning with a teaching session, where Minister Marco Mancini taught on what it is to have a dream and that the power behind our dreams for God is the Holy Ghost - the Spirit of God. He taught that there are a lot of dreams that never come to pass because they have nothing driving it - but the Spirit of the Lord is the difference where dreams can become reality. The pastors and leaders in attendance were in full attention, taking notes and soaking it in.
There was an altar call and the pastors all came down to receive prayer and to dedicate their dreams to God. Some of these pastors lost their dream because of circumstances of life, discouragements and weariness. But God caused a fresh Spirit to blow the dust off their dreams. They have dreams to see souls saved, churches to be built, power to come to their ministry. God wants us to dream big!
In the evening service, more pastors arrived at the conference, including our pastor friend from Requena who had the back and neck problem - he was at the meeting! Another miracle! It takes about 3 hours by the “fast” boat to get to from his area to Nauta where the conference was being held. It takes much longer by a regular boat. For this man to have traveled that span is truly a testimony of God's healing power. This man was still smiling and praising God in the service. He mentioned that we came at a critical time in his life. His dream has been restored and nothing will hold him back!
Minister Mancini preached the night service on the how God wants to give us His Spirit in its fullness, not just for a time or for a task, but for our entire life. That is what it means to be filled, to have the true power of God. We all did some jungle shouting in this service!! To know that we can be filled with His Spirit is the greatest joy you can have!
During the altar call, we found a lot of the ladies that attended were reaching out for that Spirit. They too can have this Holy Ghost in their lives. One of the girls that came down was Hannah, Pastor William Sifuentes' adopted daughter (he has 2 natural children and 4 adopted/foster children). She was really reaching out to God and got filled with God’s Spirit. She came from a tribe down the river where her parents neglected her and left her to raise herself at a young age. Pastor William found her and asked if he can take her to raise her in his home. She has been there ever since and now is 17 years old. She has a servant's heart and carries a meek spirit. Here is a life that was destined for destruction and had no hope, until a man of God came by and brought the light of Jesus to that life!! Now she is happy, in a Christian home, serving God and tonight, filled with the Spirit! What an awesome God we serve! Here is one Pastor’s dream coming to pass.
Tomorrow will be another full day of the move of God. Continue to pray for the team. God Bless you!
~Minister Marco Mancini
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Minister Marco Mancini is reporting from Nauta, Loreto, Peru!!
Oct 15
Today was our kick-off to the trip. The team visited a jungle village called Requena. It took about 3 hours by boat, going north from Nauta (the village where the conference will take place), up the Amazon river. It was here that we met the church leadership of the Evangelic Church of Jesus Christ. In this remote village, we had limited time but Minister Marco Mancini brought a message to that leadership on not letting the world kick Jesus out of the Church.
One of the pastors present was in need of a healing. He had fallen about a year ago and has been hindered by what he thinks are slipped disks in his back. This pastor walked in with a towel over his head and having to keep his head propped up with his hand. His neck and his back were all kinked up and he was barely able to lift his arms. He spent the time during the ministering laying on a bench.
The need for this man as well as the need of the Church was great. But we serve a Great God!!! After the message we all prayed together to fight to keep Jesus in the Church and for this pastor to be healed of this condition.
After prayer, the pastors and leaders of the Church, as well as that man, were walking around that church, praising God - going around the altars and up the aisles. This pastor was able to lift both hands up and praise God with the rest of the leadership. He was able to do things that he was not able to do in a whole year! He was crying out to God as he used his faith to trust in a God that makes the impossible possible.
Continue to pray for that pastor, as well as the church in Requena that God will send them forth with power in their ministry. It was great to know that some of the pastors of this church will be coming to the pastors conference this week. We know God is going to continue do great things!
God Bless You!
~Minister Marco Mancini
Today was our kick-off to the trip. The team visited a jungle village called Requena. It took about 3 hours by boat, going north from Nauta (the village where the conference will take place), up the Amazon river. It was here that we met the church leadership of the Evangelic Church of Jesus Christ. In this remote village, we had limited time but Minister Marco Mancini brought a message to that leadership on not letting the world kick Jesus out of the Church.
One of the pastors present was in need of a healing. He had fallen about a year ago and has been hindered by what he thinks are slipped disks in his back. This pastor walked in with a towel over his head and having to keep his head propped up with his hand. His neck and his back were all kinked up and he was barely able to lift his arms. He spent the time during the ministering laying on a bench.
The need for this man as well as the need of the Church was great. But we serve a Great God!!! After the message we all prayed together to fight to keep Jesus in the Church and for this pastor to be healed of this condition.
After prayer, the pastors and leaders of the Church, as well as that man, were walking around that church, praising God - going around the altars and up the aisles. This pastor was able to lift both hands up and praise God with the rest of the leadership. He was able to do things that he was not able to do in a whole year! He was crying out to God as he used his faith to trust in a God that makes the impossible possible.
Continue to pray for that pastor, as well as the church in Requena that God will send them forth with power in their ministry. It was great to know that some of the pastors of this church will be coming to the pastors conference this week. We know God is going to continue do great things!
God Bless You!
~Minister Marco Mancini
Friday, August 2, 2013
Report #6 - Zambia Pastors & Leaders Conference
Pastors & Leaders Conference
It is an exciting day today because all the delegates are arriving for the conference. It has taken some of the delegates days to get here and many of them had to sleep outside on the side of the road, waiting for transportation. But that did not discourage them because they were determined to make it to the conference. The last delegation to arrive was Siavonga, which is a region close to Zimbabwe. They all came driving onto the church grounds on the back of a huge truck, singing and clapping for joy. They got off the truck carrying chickens, goats and vegetables to help with the meals while they are at the conference.
The morning and night meetings have been power packed. The people have come really looking for God to move. Both the teenagers and the elders are entering in and reaching out to God by faith and God is meeting their needs. Many have already been healed and filled the Holy Ghost! Lives have been encouraged, changed and transformed. Many of the young people have already told us that they are going back to their churches to do a work for God. The pastors are just being saturated by the power of God. One pastor said to us, “I was tired and weary from battling the enemy but today, because of the Word of God, I am revived and my soul is on fire! God has shown me that my enemy is already defeated, so today I walk in victory!” Another pastor said, “Every day, I am praying for others and encouraging others, but today I have been prayed for and I have been encouraged. Now my Spirit is full and over flowing and I am returning to my village with the anointing of God and revival is going to break out!"
When we are not in meetings, everyone is singing and fellowshipping. You can here laughter in the different groups all over the church grounds. Rev. Kalinsky taught the children “Simon Says” and they are having a great time. I (Rev. Sanchez) have been playing and dancing with the children to gospel music and just enjoying each other's company in God’s house.
During lunch and dinner times we all gather around in small groups and each group is given a big pot of Nyshema, which is a thick porridge made from corn flour and you eat it with chicken and sauce. Everyone enjoyed the meals, and all over the church and outside you can hear people sharing their testimonies and laughing. There is just so much love, joy and victory in these meetings that it is hard to leave at night to go home. As we were pulling out of the church grounds, at the end of the meetings, Brother Abraham, one of the choir leaders here at the church, was determined to teach Rev. Kalinsky words in their language…it was hilarious!
God is truly doing great things and we are just glad to be called into His harvest. Thank for your prayers and remember, it is not too late for you to still give towards this conference and invest in the lives of our precious brothers and sisters in Zambia.
God bless you
Rev. Sanchez & Rev. Kalinsky
It is an exciting day today because all the delegates are arriving for the conference. It has taken some of the delegates days to get here and many of them had to sleep outside on the side of the road, waiting for transportation. But that did not discourage them because they were determined to make it to the conference. The last delegation to arrive was Siavonga, which is a region close to Zimbabwe. They all came driving onto the church grounds on the back of a huge truck, singing and clapping for joy. They got off the truck carrying chickens, goats and vegetables to help with the meals while they are at the conference.
The morning and night meetings have been power packed. The people have come really looking for God to move. Both the teenagers and the elders are entering in and reaching out to God by faith and God is meeting their needs. Many have already been healed and filled the Holy Ghost! Lives have been encouraged, changed and transformed. Many of the young people have already told us that they are going back to their churches to do a work for God. The pastors are just being saturated by the power of God. One pastor said to us, “I was tired and weary from battling the enemy but today, because of the Word of God, I am revived and my soul is on fire! God has shown me that my enemy is already defeated, so today I walk in victory!” Another pastor said, “Every day, I am praying for others and encouraging others, but today I have been prayed for and I have been encouraged. Now my Spirit is full and over flowing and I am returning to my village with the anointing of God and revival is going to break out!"
When we are not in meetings, everyone is singing and fellowshipping. You can here laughter in the different groups all over the church grounds. Rev. Kalinsky taught the children “Simon Says” and they are having a great time. I (Rev. Sanchez) have been playing and dancing with the children to gospel music and just enjoying each other's company in God’s house.
During lunch and dinner times we all gather around in small groups and each group is given a big pot of Nyshema, which is a thick porridge made from corn flour and you eat it with chicken and sauce. Everyone enjoyed the meals, and all over the church and outside you can hear people sharing their testimonies and laughing. There is just so much love, joy and victory in these meetings that it is hard to leave at night to go home. As we were pulling out of the church grounds, at the end of the meetings, Brother Abraham, one of the choir leaders here at the church, was determined to teach Rev. Kalinsky words in their language…it was hilarious!
God is truly doing great things and we are just glad to be called into His harvest. Thank for your prayers and remember, it is not too late for you to still give towards this conference and invest in the lives of our precious brothers and sisters in Zambia.
God bless you
Rev. Sanchez & Rev. Kalinsky
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Zambia Report #5 - Wednesday
Kamwala Prison
Greetings everyone! This is Rev. Jerry Kalinsky and I have a great report to share with you from our visit to Kamwala Prison in Lusaka, Zambia. It was very exciting for me to have the opportunity to minister to 252 inmates and guards. It was very hot and we all sat out in the heat of the day while the prisoners sang songs of worship to God. My heart was touched because these inmates worshipped God and many of them had only one shoe and one sock, some had torn clothes, others had just one flip flop to wear, yet in the midst of their physical needs they all sat with expectancy, waiting for me to preach the word of God.
I began to minister from Psalms 51 and shared how David had an affair with Bathsheba and Nathan, the prophet, pointed out his sin, causing David to cry out to God for mercy. Because David was open and honest before God and did not try to hide his sin, God had mercy on him. As the word of God was released, inmates began to respond because hope had come to their lives. I went on to encourage the men saying, “we have all made mistakes, and even though we may not see any good or even love ourselves at times, God sees our value and He still loves us in spite of our failures. If we are honest with God and ask for forgiveness, God will have mercy and forgive us.”
After the message, I asked how many would like to receive Christ and hands began to rise in the air. I cannot begin to tell you how we felt as many souls said the sinner’s prayer and gave their lives to God. Shouts of victory went all over the prison compound after we prayed. Even the guards smiled and shook my hands after the sermon.
Lives were change by the power of God and I know these men will never be the same again. Before I left, I told the men that if I don’t see them again on this side, we will meet again in Heaven and all the men shouted for joy! Thank you for all of your prayers and to those who were able to give. You have made a difference. God bless you!
In His Service,
Rev. Jerry Kalinsky
Greetings everyone! This is Rev. Jerry Kalinsky and I have a great report to share with you from our visit to Kamwala Prison in Lusaka, Zambia. It was very exciting for me to have the opportunity to minister to 252 inmates and guards. It was very hot and we all sat out in the heat of the day while the prisoners sang songs of worship to God. My heart was touched because these inmates worshipped God and many of them had only one shoe and one sock, some had torn clothes, others had just one flip flop to wear, yet in the midst of their physical needs they all sat with expectancy, waiting for me to preach the word of God.
I began to minister from Psalms 51 and shared how David had an affair with Bathsheba and Nathan, the prophet, pointed out his sin, causing David to cry out to God for mercy. Because David was open and honest before God and did not try to hide his sin, God had mercy on him. As the word of God was released, inmates began to respond because hope had come to their lives. I went on to encourage the men saying, “we have all made mistakes, and even though we may not see any good or even love ourselves at times, God sees our value and He still loves us in spite of our failures. If we are honest with God and ask for forgiveness, God will have mercy and forgive us.”
After the message, I asked how many would like to receive Christ and hands began to rise in the air. I cannot begin to tell you how we felt as many souls said the sinner’s prayer and gave their lives to God. Shouts of victory went all over the prison compound after we prayed. Even the guards smiled and shook my hands after the sermon.
Lives were change by the power of God and I know these men will never be the same again. Before I left, I told the men that if I don’t see them again on this side, we will meet again in Heaven and all the men shouted for joy! Thank you for all of your prayers and to those who were able to give. You have made a difference. God bless you!
In His Service,
Rev. Jerry Kalinsky
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Zambia Report #4 - Tuesday
Central Prison Visit
Today we visited Central Prison where they have over 1,000 inmates. We had to wait out in the hot sun for almost an hour while they checked our paper work. While waiting, we saw inmates come and go and met many people. Once we got inside, we were given a yellow visitor’s jacket and we had to leave everything we had, like bags and phones, with the guards at the desk, and we were only allowed to bring in our Bibles.
After all the security and documentation checks, we waked into the prison and were just surrounded by what looked liked a sea of men. The inmates had looks of anger, rage and despair on their faces. Many men just laid on the ground with blank expressions because they had just given up on life. When we came to the end of walking, we sat down on a small wooden bench in the hot sun and waited for the administration to gather the men together.
As we waited, one of the guards came over to me and told me that it was about to be lunchtime so I only had fifteen minutes to speak to the men and then we all had to leave. I turned to Rev. Kalinsky and said. “It only took about 20 seconds to say “Let there be light in the Bible and it was,” so fifteen minutes is enough time.”
I preached on the bones from Ezekiel’s graveyard coming together. God was going to take the dead, dry, scattered, broken, abandoned lives and send a word that would cause everything to come back together. As I preached, inmates cried, screamed out, shouted. God was delivering men and setting them free as I was preaching. The inmates are supposed to sit still and be quiet while someone is teaching, but this time the Holy Ghost was moving and it spread over those inmates like a wild fire! Inmates were crying out to Jesus, jumping, shouting, and dancing! Their liberation had come; their victory had come. God was giving them another chance.
The next thing I knew, the power of God had swept through that entire prison. It touched administration in their offices, and they had to come out and join the meeting. It even flowed over the wall and down the road to the women’s prison and we got reports that they were shouting and praising God as the Holy Ghost moved on them.
As God kept moving, over 1,000 men are being touched by God! When I gave the altar call, all I could see were hands everywhere. Hundreds asked Jesus in their hearts and then we held hands and prayed together and the power of God shook that place. Some men were falling to the ground under the power of God while others lifted their hands to Heaven with eyes full of tears and just kept crying out to God. One man, who served another god, threw down his hat and sobbed and accepted Jesus as his personal Savior! A great transformation has taken place in this prison today. God walked though this place!
When it was time to go, the inmates kept coming up to me just wanting to be touched. Others pressed through the crowd just to touch my clothes. They had been touched by the power of God! I kept trying to move towards the door and many of the men formed a line so I could touch every head on my way out.
Once we left the prison, the guards said they have never experienced anything like this before. They said, “We have never seen all of the inmates so moved by the power of God. We were all touched and changed today because you came with the word of God!”
God bless you & Thank you for praying
Rev. Sanchez
Today we visited Central Prison where they have over 1,000 inmates. We had to wait out in the hot sun for almost an hour while they checked our paper work. While waiting, we saw inmates come and go and met many people. Once we got inside, we were given a yellow visitor’s jacket and we had to leave everything we had, like bags and phones, with the guards at the desk, and we were only allowed to bring in our Bibles.
After all the security and documentation checks, we waked into the prison and were just surrounded by what looked liked a sea of men. The inmates had looks of anger, rage and despair on their faces. Many men just laid on the ground with blank expressions because they had just given up on life. When we came to the end of walking, we sat down on a small wooden bench in the hot sun and waited for the administration to gather the men together.
As we waited, one of the guards came over to me and told me that it was about to be lunchtime so I only had fifteen minutes to speak to the men and then we all had to leave. I turned to Rev. Kalinsky and said. “It only took about 20 seconds to say “Let there be light in the Bible and it was,” so fifteen minutes is enough time.”
I preached on the bones from Ezekiel’s graveyard coming together. God was going to take the dead, dry, scattered, broken, abandoned lives and send a word that would cause everything to come back together. As I preached, inmates cried, screamed out, shouted. God was delivering men and setting them free as I was preaching. The inmates are supposed to sit still and be quiet while someone is teaching, but this time the Holy Ghost was moving and it spread over those inmates like a wild fire! Inmates were crying out to Jesus, jumping, shouting, and dancing! Their liberation had come; their victory had come. God was giving them another chance.
The next thing I knew, the power of God had swept through that entire prison. It touched administration in their offices, and they had to come out and join the meeting. It even flowed over the wall and down the road to the women’s prison and we got reports that they were shouting and praising God as the Holy Ghost moved on them.
As God kept moving, over 1,000 men are being touched by God! When I gave the altar call, all I could see were hands everywhere. Hundreds asked Jesus in their hearts and then we held hands and prayed together and the power of God shook that place. Some men were falling to the ground under the power of God while others lifted their hands to Heaven with eyes full of tears and just kept crying out to God. One man, who served another god, threw down his hat and sobbed and accepted Jesus as his personal Savior! A great transformation has taken place in this prison today. God walked though this place!
When it was time to go, the inmates kept coming up to me just wanting to be touched. Others pressed through the crowd just to touch my clothes. They had been touched by the power of God! I kept trying to move towards the door and many of the men formed a line so I could touch every head on my way out.
Once we left the prison, the guards said they have never experienced anything like this before. They said, “We have never seen all of the inmates so moved by the power of God. We were all touched and changed today because you came with the word of God!”
God bless you & Thank you for praying
Rev. Sanchez
Zambia Report #3 - Monday
God continues to move in Zambia, Africa...
Lighthouse Blessing School & Garden Church Branch
Greetings again from Lusaka Zambia. Today we visited the Lighthouse Blessing School. All the students were outside waiting for us to greet them. There were hundreds of them, cheering and singing for us. Rev. Kalinsky and I shared encouraging words then we shook hands and took pictures with the children. It was such a wonderful time at the school.
Seeing all the children together, with their uniforms, really showed us the impact that this school has in the community and the importance of the T.E.A.C.H program. T.E.A.C.H allows students who can’t afford to go to school a chance to be educated, loved, fed and most importantly given faith, hope and the restoration of dreams. T.E.A.C.H gives children a chance to fulfill their desires in life. As I spoke with the students, many of them could not see past the poverty they were born in until they started going to school and now they want to be doctors, lawyers and even presidents. We went to the school to encourage everyone, but we left encouraged by the faith and determination of the children and the teachers who are so dedicated to teach these beautiful students.
Today, we also visited the Garden Church branch. The people were so excited to see us. The choir sang three songs in perfect harmony. Then I preached a message called “Today Is the Day For Change!” The power of God filled the church quickly as people responded to the word by faith! As God moved, people were being touched by God and many were filled with the Holy Ghost, a woman was delivered from a tormenting demon, and young children and teenagers were falling out under the power of God. We even witnessed young people re-dedicating their lives back to God. As God kept moving, pastors were so touched they were on their knees, some even lying on the floor, just crying out to God in thankfulness for such a mighty visitation of the Holy Ghost!
As the sun began to set, we could still hear the saints in praise! When the service was finally over, many people testified about how God touched them, healed them and answered prayer! The church members left with great joy, some even singing as they walked the paths back to their villages. We could still hear the laughter of God’s people as they disappeared in the distance. Today was a great day because God moved in our midst and it was a great blessing!
God bless you
Rev. Sanchez & Rev. Kalinsky
Lighthouse Blessing School & Garden Church Branch
Greetings again from Lusaka Zambia. Today we visited the Lighthouse Blessing School. All the students were outside waiting for us to greet them. There were hundreds of them, cheering and singing for us. Rev. Kalinsky and I shared encouraging words then we shook hands and took pictures with the children. It was such a wonderful time at the school.
Seeing all the children together, with their uniforms, really showed us the impact that this school has in the community and the importance of the T.E.A.C.H program. T.E.A.C.H allows students who can’t afford to go to school a chance to be educated, loved, fed and most importantly given faith, hope and the restoration of dreams. T.E.A.C.H gives children a chance to fulfill their desires in life. As I spoke with the students, many of them could not see past the poverty they were born in until they started going to school and now they want to be doctors, lawyers and even presidents. We went to the school to encourage everyone, but we left encouraged by the faith and determination of the children and the teachers who are so dedicated to teach these beautiful students.
Today, we also visited the Garden Church branch. The people were so excited to see us. The choir sang three songs in perfect harmony. Then I preached a message called “Today Is the Day For Change!” The power of God filled the church quickly as people responded to the word by faith! As God moved, people were being touched by God and many were filled with the Holy Ghost, a woman was delivered from a tormenting demon, and young children and teenagers were falling out under the power of God. We even witnessed young people re-dedicating their lives back to God. As God kept moving, pastors were so touched they were on their knees, some even lying on the floor, just crying out to God in thankfulness for such a mighty visitation of the Holy Ghost!
As the sun began to set, we could still hear the saints in praise! When the service was finally over, many people testified about how God touched them, healed them and answered prayer! The church members left with great joy, some even singing as they walked the paths back to their villages. We could still hear the laughter of God’s people as they disappeared in the distance. Today was a great day because God moved in our midst and it was a great blessing!
God bless you
Rev. Sanchez & Rev. Kalinsky
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Zambia Report #2 - Sunday
Rev. Melvin Sanchez & Rev. Jerry Kalinsky share about Sunday's services in Zambia...
To God be the Glory!
Sunday morning was just great. The church was packed and everyone in the building was full of joy and excitement. The worship was powerful! The people sang with strong, loud voices that filled the church like an orchestra. All the choirs sang today, and right after Rev. Kalinsky greeted the people Bishop Misika turned the service over to me (Rev. Sanchez).
I preached a message on overcoming faith! The more I preached, the more God began to move! People were running and jumping, shouting and crying throughout the message. Both the young and the old were dancing in the isles as the word of God was being brought forth. The Holy Spirit was moving mightily! Chains of discouragement and despair were being broken off of people’s lives! The Spirit of the Lord brought equality and liberty and the children of God began to grab hold of the promises of God by faith!
People were being healed and some were falling out under the power of God! Everywhere we looked the Holy Ghost was moving! It was like a tidal wave of power in that building, and it moved everyone in the church! God had brought a tremendous victory into His house today.
As the Holy Ghost continued to move, Rev. Kalinsky brought a prophesy about how God was going to move and how God sent His word to empower His people and if they grabbed a hold of it, God was going to move like never before! After that prophesy, it was like a fresh wind it that building! People were talking in tongues and walking the isles! People were crying and hugging one another. It was just tremendous!
Then, as the Spirit of God was moving, I said to the people, “I have got two words to tell the poverty, sickness and starvation that is trying to bury our families. I have got two words to tell the discouragement of our hopes and dreams. I have got two words to tell the enemy, who tries to steal, kill and destroy our faith, ministries and lives. I got two words to tell the evil spirits of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes! I got two words and they are: GET OUT! You can no longer control our healings, you can no longer hold back our backsliding children, you can no longer hold up our finances! The anointing has broken every yoke that has kept God’s people prisoner to a lie! We command you to leave and in Jesus name we release healing, right now! We release miracles, right now! We release whatever is needed to bring complete victory to the body of Christ right now!!!!!!”
When that word was spoken, it was like an atom bomb hit that building! The cries and the shouts of the people blasted through the atmosphere and the church was on fire! The power of God was moving! People were everywhere, as the power of God moved on his people! Even all the little children were jumping, crying and shouting! The church was on fire!
Then, as God was moving, Brother Abraham ran over to the piano and started playing some church revival music and it was all over! People were at the altar, seeking God and getting prayer and being saturated by the Holy Ghost! A young man named Gift, who is a cleaner at the hotel we are staying in, came this morning to church and got saved! When he came back to the hotel, everyone could see a great change in him. It was a great morning in God but the best was yet to come!
Sunday night
Sunday night’s service just flowed with Sunday morning. It was like one long meeting. Rev. Kalinsky preached on sojourning faith. The people praised and worshipped God as he preached! They really grabbed a hold of every word that came out of his mouth. When the altar call was given, people filled the altar for prayer. Teenagers were weeping and crying! The power of God moved on our driver, Brother bright, and he could hardly stand as the presence of God moved on him. Then Brother Roosevelt’s son was filled with the Holy Ghost and fell out under the power of God, speaking in tongues! As God continued to move, Bishop Misika and the leaders of the church were praying for their members and God was ministering to lives!
After service, we went to get something to eat and the Lord led us to two young ladies that just needed to be encouraged. After speaking with them, they both are coming out to the evangelistic night meeting this week. When we got back to our hotel, a young lady named Dorcus asked if she could speak to me and our cook, Uncle George (that’s what everyone calls him), asked to speak to Rev. Kalinsky. Well George told Rev. Kalinsky that ever since he testified to him the other night he has not been able to smoke or drink. Rev. Kalinsky began to share with him how God was working on him and he needs to take that next step to get saved, and right there in the laundry room George gave his life to Jesus!
While that was going on, I was in the front with Dorcus and she was giving her life to Christ at the exact same time! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! It case you did not know it that was a shouting moment!
When all of us realized what happened, we were all just praising God together! And now Dorcus and Uncle George are preaching to us! Dorcus said to us, “God has truly visited this place and everyone knows it and everyone feels it!” All we say is, to God be the glory!
Thank you for your support and prayers,
Rev. Sanchez & Rev. Kalinsky
To God be the Glory!
Sunday morning was just great. The church was packed and everyone in the building was full of joy and excitement. The worship was powerful! The people sang with strong, loud voices that filled the church like an orchestra. All the choirs sang today, and right after Rev. Kalinsky greeted the people Bishop Misika turned the service over to me (Rev. Sanchez).
I preached a message on overcoming faith! The more I preached, the more God began to move! People were running and jumping, shouting and crying throughout the message. Both the young and the old were dancing in the isles as the word of God was being brought forth. The Holy Spirit was moving mightily! Chains of discouragement and despair were being broken off of people’s lives! The Spirit of the Lord brought equality and liberty and the children of God began to grab hold of the promises of God by faith!
People were being healed and some were falling out under the power of God! Everywhere we looked the Holy Ghost was moving! It was like a tidal wave of power in that building, and it moved everyone in the church! God had brought a tremendous victory into His house today.
As the Holy Ghost continued to move, Rev. Kalinsky brought a prophesy about how God was going to move and how God sent His word to empower His people and if they grabbed a hold of it, God was going to move like never before! After that prophesy, it was like a fresh wind it that building! People were talking in tongues and walking the isles! People were crying and hugging one another. It was just tremendous!
Then, as the Spirit of God was moving, I said to the people, “I have got two words to tell the poverty, sickness and starvation that is trying to bury our families. I have got two words to tell the discouragement of our hopes and dreams. I have got two words to tell the enemy, who tries to steal, kill and destroy our faith, ministries and lives. I got two words to tell the evil spirits of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes! I got two words and they are: GET OUT! You can no longer control our healings, you can no longer hold back our backsliding children, you can no longer hold up our finances! The anointing has broken every yoke that has kept God’s people prisoner to a lie! We command you to leave and in Jesus name we release healing, right now! We release miracles, right now! We release whatever is needed to bring complete victory to the body of Christ right now!!!!!!”
When that word was spoken, it was like an atom bomb hit that building! The cries and the shouts of the people blasted through the atmosphere and the church was on fire! The power of God was moving! People were everywhere, as the power of God moved on his people! Even all the little children were jumping, crying and shouting! The church was on fire!
Then, as God was moving, Brother Abraham ran over to the piano and started playing some church revival music and it was all over! People were at the altar, seeking God and getting prayer and being saturated by the Holy Ghost! A young man named Gift, who is a cleaner at the hotel we are staying in, came this morning to church and got saved! When he came back to the hotel, everyone could see a great change in him. It was a great morning in God but the best was yet to come!
Sunday night
Sunday night’s service just flowed with Sunday morning. It was like one long meeting. Rev. Kalinsky preached on sojourning faith. The people praised and worshipped God as he preached! They really grabbed a hold of every word that came out of his mouth. When the altar call was given, people filled the altar for prayer. Teenagers were weeping and crying! The power of God moved on our driver, Brother bright, and he could hardly stand as the presence of God moved on him. Then Brother Roosevelt’s son was filled with the Holy Ghost and fell out under the power of God, speaking in tongues! As God continued to move, Bishop Misika and the leaders of the church were praying for their members and God was ministering to lives!
After service, we went to get something to eat and the Lord led us to two young ladies that just needed to be encouraged. After speaking with them, they both are coming out to the evangelistic night meeting this week. When we got back to our hotel, a young lady named Dorcus asked if she could speak to me and our cook, Uncle George (that’s what everyone calls him), asked to speak to Rev. Kalinsky. Well George told Rev. Kalinsky that ever since he testified to him the other night he has not been able to smoke or drink. Rev. Kalinsky began to share with him how God was working on him and he needs to take that next step to get saved, and right there in the laundry room George gave his life to Jesus!
While that was going on, I was in the front with Dorcus and she was giving her life to Christ at the exact same time! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! It case you did not know it that was a shouting moment!
When all of us realized what happened, we were all just praising God together! And now Dorcus and Uncle George are preaching to us! Dorcus said to us, “God has truly visited this place and everyone knows it and everyone feels it!” All we say is, to God be the glory!
Thank you for your support and prayers,
Rev. Sanchez & Rev. Kalinsky
Zambia Report #1 - Saturday
Rev. Melvin Sanchez & Rev. Jerry Kalinsky are reporting from Zambia, Africa
Greetings from Zambia!
Today we walked the paths of Misisi compound. Rev. Kalinsky and I saw the little houses made from mud bricks and some made from sticks and plastic. We saw elderly people sitting outside on the ground, reaching their hands out to all those that passed by, hoping that some type of help would be given to them today. We saw teenagers that have given up on life and have become captive to drugs and alcohol. Poverty and hunger was everywhere and sometimes that can get overwhelming because it seems to have no end. But if that was all we saw, this would be a sad story, but the best is still yet to come because the truth is that everywhere we went, frowns turned to smiles. Despair turned to hope! And even tears turned to laughter! Half naked children with no shoes where suddenly clothed in joy and ran down the paths with radiant smiles, just to shake our hands! We hugged and encouraged people along the paths and invited them to church! Many would just start shouting out Bishop Misika’s and Pastor Gerald’s names. Little children ran over and hugged Rev. Kalinsky like they knew him for years. One man even played a small game of chess with Rev. Kalinsky, right on the paths. We were welcomed and loved everywhere we went, and this community is really looking to the church like never before. Many families greeted me (Rev. Sanchez) and were so excited that I was in Zambia. It seemed like every corner we turned to we brought hope. Even the drunk teenagers said to me, “You are the men of God who have come to deliver us.” I took him by the hand and said, “Yes! Today, deliverance has come to you all and that alcohol that is holding you captive shall be broken in Jesus name!” All the teenagers said they know the church and they are coming!
Everyone here is very excited about the conference. Many of the members have been at church everyday, cleaning and preparing. It was wonderful seeing so many people helping at the church! They are singing and praising God! There is a lot of excitement and anticipation for a great move of God. We are also excited because every place we go, God is putting people in our path to minster to and these souls are coming to church. Even here at our hotel, God has touched the staff and everyone is coming to the meetings on their day off. They even asked us to do a small service here with a word and prayer for the staff. So, we are just excited and tomorrow is our first service and we know God is going to do something good!
God bless you
Rev. Sanchez & Rev. Kalinsky
Greetings from Zambia!
Today we walked the paths of Misisi compound. Rev. Kalinsky and I saw the little houses made from mud bricks and some made from sticks and plastic. We saw elderly people sitting outside on the ground, reaching their hands out to all those that passed by, hoping that some type of help would be given to them today. We saw teenagers that have given up on life and have become captive to drugs and alcohol. Poverty and hunger was everywhere and sometimes that can get overwhelming because it seems to have no end. But if that was all we saw, this would be a sad story, but the best is still yet to come because the truth is that everywhere we went, frowns turned to smiles. Despair turned to hope! And even tears turned to laughter! Half naked children with no shoes where suddenly clothed in joy and ran down the paths with radiant smiles, just to shake our hands! We hugged and encouraged people along the paths and invited them to church! Many would just start shouting out Bishop Misika’s and Pastor Gerald’s names. Little children ran over and hugged Rev. Kalinsky like they knew him for years. One man even played a small game of chess with Rev. Kalinsky, right on the paths. We were welcomed and loved everywhere we went, and this community is really looking to the church like never before. Many families greeted me (Rev. Sanchez) and were so excited that I was in Zambia. It seemed like every corner we turned to we brought hope. Even the drunk teenagers said to me, “You are the men of God who have come to deliver us.” I took him by the hand and said, “Yes! Today, deliverance has come to you all and that alcohol that is holding you captive shall be broken in Jesus name!” All the teenagers said they know the church and they are coming!
Everyone here is very excited about the conference. Many of the members have been at church everyday, cleaning and preparing. It was wonderful seeing so many people helping at the church! They are singing and praising God! There is a lot of excitement and anticipation for a great move of God. We are also excited because every place we go, God is putting people in our path to minster to and these souls are coming to church. Even here at our hotel, God has touched the staff and everyone is coming to the meetings on their day off. They even asked us to do a small service here with a word and prayer for the staff. So, we are just excited and tomorrow is our first service and we know God is going to do something good!
God bless you
Rev. Sanchez & Rev. Kalinsky
Thursday, July 25, 2013
More reports from the Dominican Republic
Rev. Teachman reports...
Visiting rural areas in the mountains
We went high up the mountains, on a rugged dirt road, to visit two impoverished villages. Along the way, there were groups of men picking potatoes and carrots on the steep hills. These vegetables will be sold throughout this country and will also be shipped abroad. We handed out lollipops, toys and clothes to the children. Their faces lit up as they received their gifts. There was a swarm of flies in one of these villages, but the joy of blessing the children far outweighed any slight discomfort we were feeling. We sang songs together and prayed with each child individually before we left.
Revival Meeting on the street
A meeting was set on the sreets of a local neighborhood. Old wooden seats were placed in the middle of the street. People were sitting on their porches and on the cement curbs. Women were also sitting with their children in the doorways of their homes. I ministered a very strong message about Jesus being the only way to salvation. Many people came forward for prayer to be healed and for salvation. The same thing keeps happening time and time again as we pray for the sick…they tell me that they are immediately healed. One woman had pain all through her stomach and she told us that the Lord healed her. Another man had constant back pain and he told us that he also was healed. We had him bend and twist his back to see if there was any more pain. All his pain was gone because Jesus Christ had healed him.
God’s presence comes down like a cloud in the house
It was raining steadily so our outdoor revival meeting was cancelled. We went to minister at a house where many people were new Christians and others were not saved. Neighbors were also invited. In all, there were about 25 people in the house, and about half of them were children. The power and presence of God became very thick in this house. We ministered God’s word and prayed with everyone there. Those that were unsaved gave their lives to Christ. A neighbor, who was the first one to get saved, was crying and holding onto one of her neighbors as the love of Jesus filled her heart. She told us after, in tears, that she had breast cancer and that she was in pain and always felt the pressure of the tightness the cancer in her breast. She said that she spent much money on doctors but felt no better. She told us that as we prayed, all the tightness and pain left and she knew that the Lord healed her. We told her to be like the one man in the Bible that, when Jesus cleansed the 10 lepers, he came back to give Him praise. She immediately lifted up her hands, crying and praising the Lord for the miracle that He had given to her.
Many of the people in this area are very humble and very hungry for a move of God.
God bless you from the Dominican Republic.
Rev. George Teachman
Visiting rural areas in the mountains
We went high up the mountains, on a rugged dirt road, to visit two impoverished villages. Along the way, there were groups of men picking potatoes and carrots on the steep hills. These vegetables will be sold throughout this country and will also be shipped abroad. We handed out lollipops, toys and clothes to the children. Their faces lit up as they received their gifts. There was a swarm of flies in one of these villages, but the joy of blessing the children far outweighed any slight discomfort we were feeling. We sang songs together and prayed with each child individually before we left.
Revival Meeting on the street
A meeting was set on the sreets of a local neighborhood. Old wooden seats were placed in the middle of the street. People were sitting on their porches and on the cement curbs. Women were also sitting with their children in the doorways of their homes. I ministered a very strong message about Jesus being the only way to salvation. Many people came forward for prayer to be healed and for salvation. The same thing keeps happening time and time again as we pray for the sick…they tell me that they are immediately healed. One woman had pain all through her stomach and she told us that the Lord healed her. Another man had constant back pain and he told us that he also was healed. We had him bend and twist his back to see if there was any more pain. All his pain was gone because Jesus Christ had healed him.
God’s presence comes down like a cloud in the house
It was raining steadily so our outdoor revival meeting was cancelled. We went to minister at a house where many people were new Christians and others were not saved. Neighbors were also invited. In all, there were about 25 people in the house, and about half of them were children. The power and presence of God became very thick in this house. We ministered God’s word and prayed with everyone there. Those that were unsaved gave their lives to Christ. A neighbor, who was the first one to get saved, was crying and holding onto one of her neighbors as the love of Jesus filled her heart. She told us after, in tears, that she had breast cancer and that she was in pain and always felt the pressure of the tightness the cancer in her breast. She said that she spent much money on doctors but felt no better. She told us that as we prayed, all the tightness and pain left and she knew that the Lord healed her. We told her to be like the one man in the Bible that, when Jesus cleansed the 10 lepers, he came back to give Him praise. She immediately lifted up her hands, crying and praising the Lord for the miracle that He had given to her.
Many of the people in this area are very humble and very hungry for a move of God.
God bless you from the Dominican Republic.
Rev. George Teachman
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
God Is Moving In the Dominican Republic!
Rev. Teachman is reporting from the Dominican Republic...
Revival meetings in the mountains
We were invited for 5 days of revivals meetings in a city in the mountains called Constanza. This is a very beautiful area with fields of vegetables everywhere. A local business that sells chickens has donated its land for the first two nights of meetings.
The Holy Spirit fell in tonight’s meeting in a powerful way. The power of God was falling upon the singers as they sang, upon me as I ministered and prayed and upon Brother Rafael as he prayed at the altar call. The Lord called many people to Himself tonight, as about15 people either were saved or restored back to Him. When we prayed for the sick in the name of Jesus, the Lord healed them immediately. One man had a serious problem with his spinal column. When he picks vegetables in the fields, as many others here do, he has been in such agonizing pain that often he can not get himself off the ground. He went to Pastor Rolando’s church for prayer on Sunday and came back with his family tonight and told us that after prayer all the pain was gone. He was rejoicing and praising the Lord for the miracle that he had received. His whole family received prayer and many of them were lying on the ground and weeping under the presence of God. God is truly being glorified here for the wonderful things that He is doing. He is showing His love and mercy to all that are calling upon His name.
He opens the eyes of the blind
There was a man in his 70's who was totally blind. He lived daily in darkness. He was helped down to the altar by a brother from the church, and he was walking using his cane. As we prayed for him, the Lord showed me that his optic nerve had deteriorated, and the Lord touched his nerve! The joy of the Lord was filling this man. After prayer, I asked him how he was doing. He told me that he could see both me and Brother Rafael. He couldn’t see us clearly, but he could now see. We told him about the man in the Bible who, when Jesus touched his blind eyes, started to see but it wasn’t fully clear and in a short period of time his vision was fully restored. We told this man to continue to walk in faith and that we would keep him in prayer that he would be able to see completely clearly. Praise the Lord for all His wonders!
It is such a joy for me to minister to the people of the Dominican Republic who serve the Lord with such a passion and love Him so much. We ministered in one of Pastor Apolinaria's churches in Imbert. This small church was packed and it was quite hot and humid. After ministering, every member of the church came forward for prayer. Over half of the members had headaches. Many others had problems with their backs. All of the people that we asked how they felt, after prayer, told us that they were completely healed! The Lord is gloriously saving souls and healing his people here in the Dominican Republic.
Outdoor Revival Meeting
People arrived at the outdoor revival meeting tonight by all different modes of transportation; some came on foot and others by car and some whole families came on motorcycles. Many people came to tonight’s meeting that did not attend the first night. You could hear shouts of “Aleluya” and “Santo” (which means Holy) as the presence of God descended on us. Many individuals and entire families were seeking the Lord for salvation, to be healed, and for deliverance. God answered prayer as many lives were transformed at the altar.
One man brought his teenage son who was crippled. This boy’s hands and feet were twisted up. He could not speak but he could hear and understand. His wheelchair was placed in the front row and we knew that God was going to move upon this crippled teenager. He was first ministered to for his salvation. When he asked Jesus into his heart, a huge smile came over his face. Together we prayed that God would give him a miracle. As Brother Rafael laid his hands on his grossly twisted left foot, which had never moved, his foot was immediately straightened out! Brother Rafael told me that this foot was very tightly balled up before the Lord touched it. He had a look of amazement on his face as the Lord was touching him. God has started a healing process in this young mans life to be a witness of the power of God in this city. His father, who brought him to the meeting tonight, received the Lord Jesus as his savior!
God bless you from the Dominican Republic
~Rev. George Teachman
Revival meetings in the mountains
We were invited for 5 days of revivals meetings in a city in the mountains called Constanza. This is a very beautiful area with fields of vegetables everywhere. A local business that sells chickens has donated its land for the first two nights of meetings.
The Holy Spirit fell in tonight’s meeting in a powerful way. The power of God was falling upon the singers as they sang, upon me as I ministered and prayed and upon Brother Rafael as he prayed at the altar call. The Lord called many people to Himself tonight, as about15 people either were saved or restored back to Him. When we prayed for the sick in the name of Jesus, the Lord healed them immediately. One man had a serious problem with his spinal column. When he picks vegetables in the fields, as many others here do, he has been in such agonizing pain that often he can not get himself off the ground. He went to Pastor Rolando’s church for prayer on Sunday and came back with his family tonight and told us that after prayer all the pain was gone. He was rejoicing and praising the Lord for the miracle that he had received. His whole family received prayer and many of them were lying on the ground and weeping under the presence of God. God is truly being glorified here for the wonderful things that He is doing. He is showing His love and mercy to all that are calling upon His name.
He opens the eyes of the blind
There was a man in his 70's who was totally blind. He lived daily in darkness. He was helped down to the altar by a brother from the church, and he was walking using his cane. As we prayed for him, the Lord showed me that his optic nerve had deteriorated, and the Lord touched his nerve! The joy of the Lord was filling this man. After prayer, I asked him how he was doing. He told me that he could see both me and Brother Rafael. He couldn’t see us clearly, but he could now see. We told him about the man in the Bible who, when Jesus touched his blind eyes, started to see but it wasn’t fully clear and in a short period of time his vision was fully restored. We told this man to continue to walk in faith and that we would keep him in prayer that he would be able to see completely clearly. Praise the Lord for all His wonders!
It is such a joy for me to minister to the people of the Dominican Republic who serve the Lord with such a passion and love Him so much. We ministered in one of Pastor Apolinaria's churches in Imbert. This small church was packed and it was quite hot and humid. After ministering, every member of the church came forward for prayer. Over half of the members had headaches. Many others had problems with their backs. All of the people that we asked how they felt, after prayer, told us that they were completely healed! The Lord is gloriously saving souls and healing his people here in the Dominican Republic.
Outdoor Revival Meeting
People arrived at the outdoor revival meeting tonight by all different modes of transportation; some came on foot and others by car and some whole families came on motorcycles. Many people came to tonight’s meeting that did not attend the first night. You could hear shouts of “Aleluya” and “Santo” (which means Holy) as the presence of God descended on us. Many individuals and entire families were seeking the Lord for salvation, to be healed, and for deliverance. God answered prayer as many lives were transformed at the altar.
One man brought his teenage son who was crippled. This boy’s hands and feet were twisted up. He could not speak but he could hear and understand. His wheelchair was placed in the front row and we knew that God was going to move upon this crippled teenager. He was first ministered to for his salvation. When he asked Jesus into his heart, a huge smile came over his face. Together we prayed that God would give him a miracle. As Brother Rafael laid his hands on his grossly twisted left foot, which had never moved, his foot was immediately straightened out! Brother Rafael told me that this foot was very tightly balled up before the Lord touched it. He had a look of amazement on his face as the Lord was touching him. God has started a healing process in this young mans life to be a witness of the power of God in this city. His father, who brought him to the meeting tonight, received the Lord Jesus as his savior!
God bless you from the Dominican Republic
~Rev. George Teachman
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Making A Difference - A Family Together
We received the following note from the Mack Family, who donated and helped pack a barrel for Haiti...
and with the guidance of our very own mother and grandmother, Sister Cris. Jalynn was especially excited to find stuffed animals to donate to other children, knowing that she had so many and there are kids in Haiti who have never even had one. Sister Cris shared special thoughts with us about how important it has been for our church to help in Haiti by sending these barrels. It did not take long for all of us to do our part to fill the barrel...We filled one, but the kids actually wanted to fill more of them!
We were honored to be a part in the recent Haiti Barrel Donation Project. Knowing that there are many children and families in Haiti who have so very little to meet their daily needs, we were more than happy to give since our family has been blessed in so many ways. I believe this event not only helped to remind our children about how fortunate they are, but it also reminded all of us how lucky we are to be a part of a church that works so hard to help others near and far!! Our kids, DJ, Jalynn, and Mason, have had opportunities in the past to be a part of similar donations through Sunday School and Friday night activities. This time was extra special because we did it as a family
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Every Prayer - Power of a Testimony
A mission thought written by Aaron Versch, a volunteer and supporter of WWLM
The song, "Every
Prayer" by Israel Houghton, talks about the power of a testimony. Testimonies can be nice stories that seem too
good to be true. But if you have faith
and realize that what happened to that person can happen to you; it will in
fact happen for you. Then you will in
turn share your testimony with others.
So, I thought how
testimonies go throughout places, like Misisi Compound, a destitute community
in Zambia
that WWLM supports. I can see a man
walking the paths saying, "I heard of a wheelbarrow that goes around with food.
The men and women who push the
wheelbarrow not only offer food, but hope. They talk of a God that will answer our
prayers. They say this God will not only
take care of our natural needs so we can sleep with a full belly, but we can also
sleep with peace and joy. It sounded
nice, but too good to be true. Well, one
day that wheelbarrow came just when I thought I couldn’t go another day without
food. Now I can testify that I believe
it. Their God changed my life. Their God is now my God."
Word spread
through the cold streets of Armenia
about the House of Hope (a ministry of River of Life Int'l). Picture an old
widow saying, "I heard that someone would take us in. I heard that even though we are old and have
been told we are worthless, someone will care for us. They said that even though everyone abandoned
us, these people won’t. I am very old
and have heard many nice stories that ended up being lies. So this House of Hope that I heard about
seemed just like another lie. It seemed
too good to be true that they would take us in, feed us, clothe us, bathe us,
and love us. I heard people even change
on the inside. Not only are they taken
in from the cold elements but their cold hearts are warmed with a love from a
God that heard every prayer. Well, now I
can testify that I believe it. I am so
happy they came for me. I believe that
God is a God that always answers prayer. Here on my bed, I know I don’t have much time
left but I can testify that it’s all true. I should have died on the cold streets with no
hope, but now I can pass from this life in a warm bed of my own, knowing I will
meet my God soon."
Even here in America there
are stories going around. Imagine
someone in New York City
who survived Hurricane Sandy say, "I always knew there are organizations that
help the needy. I knew there are charities
that help those who have survived hurricanes but lost all they had. I never thought I would lose everything,
but I did. Then, I heard of a small church in CT (FGI Church) with an outreach that linked up
with another church in the Bronx (Hope NYC). Every charity is full of happy, nice people
with a heart to give, but these people in CT and the Bronx
have something different. I heard they have
something more sustaining. They leave
people with more than furniture and clothes. I heard that they make this God, that we all
hear preached on TV and in our streets, seem so personal. There are churches on every street, but these
two outreaches have something different. Well, now I can testify that I believe it. They put me back on my feet and introduced me
to God instead of forcing Him down my throat and telling me I am a sinner. I know my very real God has captured every
tear, assuring me that He has heard every prayer."
This video shows pictures
of some of these people that WWLM supports.
They can now testify that what they heard about this charity is true. If this video inspires you, please make a
donation to WWLM. If you know the Lord,
your donation will mean that you, too, believe the stories you were told. You are now testifying that God not only
heard your every cry, but answered your every prayer. If you don’t know the Lord, like the song in
the video states, He is near. He is
waiting to reveal to you how real He is.
He will show you in his own personal way just how He has collected every
tear and every prayer.
Your donation will
be answering someone’s prayer. An answer
is on the way for a mother in Zambia
that cries every night because she feels so helpless. As you give, picture an 80 year old homeless man
in Armenia
and you are telling him, "Don’t despise the tears you cried or the prayers you
prayed. Just believe that Heaven has
heard your every word and the answer is on its way. Hold on, you can make it. My God has done so many great things and I
believe He is a God that always answers prayer."
Thank you for your
kindness in giving and prayers! God Bless you!
Monday, May 20, 2013
New Desks for Blessings Lighthouse School!!
Funds Raised through Birdies for Charity 2011 & 2012 were used to purchase new student & teacher desks at the Blessings Lighthouse School in Misisi Compound, located in Lusaka, Zambia!
Bishop Misika shares these words:
"God is great, and this can only be His doing! I could not believe my eyes as the school desks started arriving from the workshop! I recall how much 'pleading' I received from school management over desks, as the pupils were using church benches and chairs, and over time these starting breaking. The Blessing Lighthouse School management and the church leadership remain very grateful to God for all the donors for this timely donation. We are proud that this School stands out to be the only school out here providing orphaned and vulnerable children with a conducive learning environment."
Bishop Misika shares these words:
"God is great, and this can only be His doing! I could not believe my eyes as the school desks started arriving from the workshop! I recall how much 'pleading' I received from school management over desks, as the pupils were using church benches and chairs, and over time these starting breaking. The Blessing Lighthouse School management and the church leadership remain very grateful to God for all the donors for this timely donation. We are proud that this School stands out to be the only school out here providing orphaned and vulnerable children with a conducive learning environment."
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Teacher's desk were very basic and falling apart! |
Delivery of new teacher desks!! |
Teacher using her new desk!! |
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Student desks were benches & in poor condition |
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This classroom didn't have desk tops |
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Delivery of new student desks |
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Students sitting on new desks in their classrooms |
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Notice the sturdy construction of metal with wood tops |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
God's Word Going Forth On The Radio!
Greetings everyone,

Today, Pastor Gustavo and I went to the radio station to share God's word. This station was not a Christian station but they have given time each morning to a missionary here, named Crystal, who has dedicated her life to spreading the Gospel in the jungles of Peru.
Pastor Gustavo shared about Jesus and how He is as close as the mention of His name. He is not just the Jesus of the Bible from a long time ago, but He is still the Savior and can reach out and do miracles! So, it was a blessing for us to share God's word all over this community by radio.
We also have a follow-up report to share with you. One of the young girls from the high school we visited felt in her heart to come to the meeting. She left her home after school and walked for miles in search of the church. She said to herself "I must find that church and see what God is doing there". She came during the time we do questions and answers from the Bible. After we closed the meeting, she came down and we prayed with her that Jesus would come in her heart and lead her and guide her. God really touched her in such a beautiful and peaceful way.
Brother Daniel, one of the youth leaders here, went to get her a Bible because he found out she did not have one. She was very happy to receive her very own Bible and thanked him. He went on to encourage her to read the word of God and to keep coming to church and seeking God. Pastor William also spoke with her and she left with such joy and peace and will be starting to come to church regularly!
In closing, I would like to tell you that God is just moving through the Word and even in the fellowships! And since a picture is worth a thousand words, I thought I would just show you what God is doing through these next pictures!

Today, Pastor Gustavo and I went to the radio station to share God's word. This station was not a Christian station but they have given time each morning to a missionary here, named Crystal, who has dedicated her life to spreading the Gospel in the jungles of Peru.
I shared with the people that God does not want to be invisible and distant but present and alive in their lives. He desires for the jungles of Peru to know that He is alive and He can touch and change their lives.
We also have a follow-up report to share with you. One of the young girls from the high school we visited felt in her heart to come to the meeting. She left her home after school and walked for miles in search of the church. She said to herself "I must find that church and see what God is doing there". She came during the time we do questions and answers from the Bible. After we closed the meeting, she came down and we prayed with her that Jesus would come in her heart and lead her and guide her. God really touched her in such a beautiful and peaceful way.
In closing, I would like to tell you that God is just moving through the Word and even in the fellowships! And since a picture is worth a thousand words, I thought I would just show you what God is doing through these next pictures!
Friday, April 12, 2013
An Entire School in the Presence of God!
I went on to share about a dream. I told them anyone
can dream! No matter where you are, no matter where you were born. From the
richest to the poorest God has given every man the ability to dream. And dreams
have no limitations. And God said I can do exceeding, abundantly above all you
can ask or think so dream big!
As I close my thought I spoke of to Alexander Graham bell and how he dreamed to
make a phone and about Henry Ford and how he dream to make car. Then I spoke
about the Wright brothers and how the dream they could make a machine to fly.
All these men failed in their attempts to succeed but they got back up and kept
dreaming. They never let failure rob them of their dream! They never let
discouragement or disappointment rob them of their dream! But they kept going
forward believing that one day what they dreamed would become a reality and it
did! The bible says I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me!
So never let anyone or anything steal your dream. And when you have Jesus in your heart, Christ will
send the Holy Ghost to give you power and lift you up and helped you accomplish
the dream.
God moved on his word. I saw some young children
listening with tears flowing. I saw others students that started off listening with
their heads bowed to the ground but as the word went forth they lifted up their
eyes because faith was released in that
school. Their was a great stirring as God’s word went forth. The teachers told
us that the speakers caused my voice to go out from the school and into the
street. Then people gathered in the entrance way of the school just to listen
to the message. We were told that Many people stopped on the streets outside of
the school to hear the entire message. The principal and all the teachers were
so touched and moved by God’s presence.
Rev. Teachman closed in prayed and all the students
and teachers prayed with him. You could fell the power of God all over that
school! After we left one of the teachers came to me and told me that all the
teachers were talking and they all have said they never felt the power of God
move in the school like that before. They knew that God had sent us and wanted
to thank us. The coach came over to me and said he was going to be bringing his
entire soccer team to church because they need God in their lives to be
successful. We also have an open invitation to come and share God’s word with
the school anytime! Pastor William is so excited because this was the open door
he had been praying for. God is stirring up the town! The doors are wide open ,
the harvest is white and ready! I believe that we are about to see the biggest
revival takes place in the jungle than we could have ever imagined!
God bless you and thank you for your continued prayers!
Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Day One of Pastor's Conference in Nauta - God is there!
Today we started the pastor's and leader's conference at Pastor William's and his wife, Sister Clementine’s church - The Apostolic Renovation Church. It was great to see many of our old friends arriving. Some travelled down the river for days and then walked the dirt paths before they could take a motor car to the church. But once they arrived the weariness of traveling seemed to fade away as we embraced each other. Everyone is just so happy that the moment for us to gather together in God’s House had finally arrived.
It was also nice to meet many new pastors and church leaders that have come to the conference for the first time. We have many pastors from different churches attending this year. Some are Methodist, Nazarene, Baptist, church of God and Pentecostal. Everyone came because they heard that God was moving and they are looking for a move of God to take place in their lives and in the villages that they live in.
I (Rev. Sanchez) taught the first session on "The God of Impossibilities." I taught how when God sends you to do an assignment the ability to accomplish that task comes with the command to go. Nothing can stand against you or conqueror you because God has equipped you and God is with you
Then the Lord began to reach out and touch His people in such a beautiful way. The atmosphere was just adoring. God was welcoming us to step into heavenly places where He could talk to us. Many new pastors from different organizations were filled with the Holy Ghost this morning. One of the young pastors said “I am the leader of the youth all over Nauta and surrounding villages and we don’t have a move of God - the church has gone dead. But God spoke to my heart to come here and I heard the Word of God, but this time it was like God’s Word was alive. I felt God for the first time so real in my life and then I got filled with the Holy Ghost! I thought it was just for the apostles because that is what I was taught! But today I spoke in tongues just like Peter did in the upper room! So please keep me in prayer because and I am going back to my village with Holy Ghost power and God has shown me this morning that a great revival will take place in villages all over the jungle.”
Pastor William taught the afternoon sesson on "Hearing God's voice and Knowing You Have the Ability to Accomplish Whatever God Gives You to Do." It was amazing because he preached almost the same message but in a different way. He talked about the trials and tests that come your way when you are believing God, but you must press through every obstacle to victory! It was a powerful message that encouraged and challenged the pastors to go forward in God’s vision like never before!
After lunch it was game time! Rev. Teachman’s team verses Minister Ben Satagaj's team. Now I (Rev. Sanchez) was asked to play volleyball with everyone, but I did not want to show off my professional skills, so I just sat in the shade with Pastor Gustavo and refereed! All I can say is that they are not friends on the volleyball team. Each team tried to destroy the other team! There was a lot of joy and laughter. We have all bonded and become such great friends!
Rev. Teachman preached the night service on "Being a Deliver!" He taught on Moses and how God raised him up and sent him to set his people free. But Moses did not go alone because God was with him working signs and wonders in the midst of the people! As he was preaching a prophesy came forth about how God has come to establish His Kingdom in the jungles and His Word would go forth with signs and wonders by His Spirit. Pastors, Leaders and children flooded the altar and the Lord moved on them all. God gave Rev. Teachman a word for Pastor William and the power of God came on him and he fell to the floor as the Spirit of God ministered to him.
There was also a young man that came to the church tonight that had an evil spirit in him. As I walked over to him that spirit started to cry out. It knew it had to leave and there was nothing it could do against the anointing of God. As I laid my hands on him that spirit left screaming and the precious Holy Ghost came on the brother and filled him up with power. He told me after service that he had been bound since he was child. The spirit would come on him and torment him and then leave and return. I told him that this time it left and it can’t come back because you're filled with Holy Ghost power! After I said that the young man started shouting! He was free and just had to give God the praise!
It was a great night! God moved in such a beautiful way and this is just the first day! We are expecting God to continue to have His way for the rest of the conference and we thank you all for praying! Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez
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