Today Rev. Teachman, Ben Satagaj, Pastor Gustavo, Pastor William and I (Rev. Sanchez) rode on the motor cars to the rivers' edge. Then we got on a boat and departed from Nauta as we went down the Maranon River. We rode about an hour before we crossed into the Ucayali River. The landscaping was dynamic! Looking at Gods' beautiful creation always amazes me. As we continued down the river we saw giant fish, colorful birds, lizards and snakes before reaching the Hegaremos District. This District is home to over 4,000 people.

When we finally arrived at the village we found out that we were only 60 miles from Brazil. As we got off the boat we were met by Pastor Emerson and his family along with some members of his church, the Apostolic Renovation church. We were all given many hugs and kisses from the children as well as big hugs from some pastors from surrounding villages that came today to hear an encouraging Word from the Lord.
As we walked through the village we saw many houses being built and a community that was just starting to develop. I asked Pastor Emerson how long he had been in this area and he said just since the last conference we had in the jungles (that was in October 2012). He went on to say that God really stirred his heart about starting a church and he partnered with Pastor William and prayed and God sent him to this community where he has the only Pentecostal church. Currently they are having church services in his house while the new church building is being built. Pastor Emerson said he goes into the jungles and chops down wood and little by little he is getting everything ready to build God a house.
One of the greatest things he faces in this area is drugs. Right down the street from the new church site is an area where tourist and young people go to get high on drugs. These drugs are destroying the minds and lives of young people, but in the midst of the apparent danger Pastor Emerson is not afraid, he knows that God has called him to make a difference in that community and he believes that a great revival is going to break out in the area of the jungle.
When it was time for service the people along with four guest pastors from other villages gathered in the house where they have church and clapped their hands as they sang a song of praise unto the Lord. After the song was sung Ben and Rev. Teachman testified and encouraged the people through God’s Word before I shared a quick thought.

As I talked about Gods' desire to manifest His power in the midst of the jungles, pastors were just
weeping. The people really came with a heart open and ready to receive from God. They were praising God, clapping their hands and giving God the glory as His Word went forth and His presence filled the church!

When the message was over pastors quickly came to the altar looking for God to do something in their lives. As the pastors moved the people quickly moved behind them. As they stood at the altar with their hands raised to heaven crying out to God, the Holy Ghost swept through that house like fire! Pastors were falling out under the power of God and many people were filled with the Holy ghost and spoke in tongues for the first time. Teenagers and young children were just being saturated by the presence of God. Right here in the middle of the jungle the power of God was just flowing! People could hear the cries and shouts of praise from outside of the church and came over to look in the window to see what was going on.
Ben and Rev. Teachman were just laying hands on people and God was moving! People were falling in the doorway and out the doorway as God moved! We even had to go outside the church house to pray for the ones who could not get inside and God was filing people with the Holy Ghost outside of the church building!

After that the little children started coming for prayer looking for a touch from God. Many of them were crying and talking in tongues! Others fell to the ground as God’s power overwhelmed them. These kids were captivated by Gods' power! Pastor Emerson came over to me crying and He said, “This is what I saw in my dream, this is the beginning of the mighty move of God that I saw moving like a river when God first sent me here!” He could not contain his joy because even his children were being moved on by God!
Many lives were just touched and blessed. People also testified about how God healed them and took their pains away during the altar call and the pastors came over and told us that they would see us at the conference.
After service we all fellowshipped and took pictures. Then we walked back to the rivers' edge just waiting for our boat to take us back to Nauta. Many of the young people and church members walked the paths with us so excited about what God had done.

Our hearts are also full of joy because of the great move of God in this village. We know that this is just the beginning of an awesome move of God and we are thankful that God has called us to be a part of it. What a wonderful thing to know that in the jungle conferences that we have been teaching here, God has raised up a pastor, filled him the Holy Ghost and put him in a village where His Kingdom can go forth saving souls and changing lives!
God bless you and thank you for your continued prayers as we head into the Pastor's Conference!
Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez