Monday, December 21, 2015

Zambia Church Construction - Victory Report

Due to lack of adequate funding to buy the proper materials for longer lasting structures, the Pastors and field workers in Zambia, Africa have struggled for years trying to build and rebuild their Church buildings.  Hearing of their plight, WWLM began to search for how to help them realize their dreams of permanent structures where they could come to worship God, a place where as Ministry Overseer, Bishop Misika says, "...where souls are saved and sealed for heaven!"

God answered our prayer, and WWLM was able to send enough funds to complete 4 churches in Zambia!  During the months from October to December 2015, they have worked diligently to see the completion of all 4 churches.  As we speak the Munenga and Linda Branch Churches are completed, and the Chamulimba and Airport Assembly Churches are expected to be completed by Christmas!!

We thank everyone who gave to help meet this need, and for the faithful prayers for all of the Field workers who have given their all - laboring for the Glory of God! 

Below are just a few pictures of these Church Construction projects:

Chamulimba Church

Airport Assembly Church

Linda Church

Munenga Church

Monday, December 7, 2015

Sunday Night LIVE! - Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez's visit to a church in Maine

Written by: Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez

Sunday night’s service was incredible!
People gathered from three different churches – everyone arrived with great expectation and anticipation of what God was going to do!  The church was packed – almost standing room only!
The worship was dynamic; people were singing and praising God at the top of their lungs. You could feel faith in the atmosphere and the longing for God to do something in His house.
I shared mission reports about our recent trip to the Amazon and some good reports from Zambia – the people were just thrilled.
As I began to preach on the power of God's Word, the Spirit of the Lord swept across the church in a powerful way!  The wind of the Holy Ghost blew through the church and Sister Gilbert started talking in tongues and dancing in circles.  Then all of a sudden, Pastor Gilbert began running around the church talking in tongues and shouting! Then Pastor Jackson started walking the aisles with tears in his eyes glorifying God.  Then the place exploded – even Abby was shouting and dancing!  Joshua, who was sick, was absolutely fine dancing with the people of the church!  People were falling out everywhere talking in tongues, dancing, running, lying on the altar crying out to God.  Teenagers were getting filled with the Holy Ghost and talking in tongues.  Healings began to take place; people testified of stomachaches and headaches disappearing, backaches leaving, pains that people said they had for years, left them the minute the power of God began to flood the church!
Revival had broken out – people from one church were praying for people from the other churches.
God showed up and moved mightily by His spirit. Prophecies begin to come forth giving church leaders direction, confirming the calls of young people!  It was just amazing!
God said in His word, that in the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and my sons and daughters shall prophesy and old man shall dream dreams and young men shall see visions and up on my handmaids and upon my servants I poured out of those days of my spirit and God did just that!  You see, the last thing this world needs is another book on church growth and we don't need another CD on the seven steps of faith…all we need is an old fashion outpouring of the Holy Ghost!  We need the Spirit of God to saturate our churches and to empower the people of God!  This is the answer for our world and especially for our young people – they need the power of the Holy Ghost!
As church came to an end, we were picking people up from the altar and off of the floor. People were still praying for one another. I watched grandparents embracing their grand kids talking in tongues with tears pouring down their cheeks as the Spirit of the Lord moved on the next-generation.  It was a powerful meeting!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

God Still Speaks!

Reverend Aaron Tipton writes:

Hello family and friends!  My time here in Lima has been nothing short of amazing!  From the food all the way to the church services!  I appreciate Pastor Gustavo, Bro. Roger and their family here in Lima Peru for the hospitality!

It's amazing how much God can do in such a short amount of time!  It's been only three days here in Lima, Peru and God has restored, rejuvenated and empowered His people!  God not only touched the people but He also has done a major work in me that I feel is critical to my next step in Him!

The services have been absolutely amazing!  Rev. Sanchez was absolutely amazing and we all worked well as a team!  I preached Tuesday night on "God Still Speaks"!  I preached on how many times the devil attacks us through our thoughts and speaks defeat to us!  But Jesus came to silence every voice of the enemy!  He IS the dominant voice!  One word from God is more powerful than every demon in hell combined and there's nothing the devil can do to stop God's word or promise from getting to you!  God moved and touched the people in a mighty way in the altar service!  Chains were being broken, dead dreams were coming back to life, the enemies voice was being silenced and God was speaking life to dead situations!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support while here in Peru!  This trip has radically changed my life FOREVER!  I'm sad to leave because the people have grown so close to my heart that, to me, we have become family!  Please keep us in your prayers as our time comes to a close here in Peru!  Thank you for your support and thank you World-Wide Lighthouse Missions, Inc. and Rev. M.L. Sanchez for this amazing, life changing opportunity!  God bless!

Arise and Shine!

Reverend Jeremiah Collins writes:

God has moved so much I stand in amazement at all he has done these couple of weeks.  I just hate to see our trip come to an end, but I know what God did in the lives of these people will continue on.  I couldn't even begin to describe all the lives that have been touched and changed this week by the power of God, both young and old.  Every service we have been in since arriving in Lima has been powerful.  From the teachings of Reverend Sanchez, the sermons preached by myself and Reverend Aaron Tipton to the alter calls at the end of every service - all of it has been God ordained.  Only eternity will tell all that has happened this week in Lima.

God has continued to do a work in my own personal life while being here in Lima.  He has reminded me of who I am and my rightful authority in His kingdom.  I now possess a new found confidence and boldness that I didn't have prior to this trip, and already have begun to operate in it.  Thankful we serve such a personal God!

I had the opportunity to preach the last night of the conference here in Lima and the Lord moved mightily.  I preached from Isaiah 60:1, on "Arise and Shine."  I felt the Lord deal with me that there was going to be two types of people in the service that night; those who had fallen and those who the enemy has thrown down.  Both groups of people needed to hear that they had the power and authority to get up!  And that is exactly what they did.  I felt so much victory in the church.  Many people left delivered and encouraged to get up and fulfill their dreams and start the ministry God has called them into.  I feel the devil no longer has a foot hold on God's people.

Thankful for all that God did in all the services this week in Lima.  I know this is only the beginning of what God wants to do in Peru.  Thank you WWLM, Inc. and everyone for all the prayers and support.  Love you all and God bless!

What a Mightly God We Serve!

Reverend Melvin L. Sanchez writes:

The three day conference here has been amazing!  The level of faith and expectation was just incredible. During the worship, people were singing, shouting and dancing before the Lord. There was such a freedom and liberty in the atmosphere; it was beautiful.  Normally, it would take two or three days of meetings to get the people unified – not this time.  This time, it seems like every church and Pastor came into the meetings looking for God to do something in their lives. The church was so packed during the services that you could hardly find a seat. As people came into the church, they added additional seating.

I taught on the Last Day Outpouring of the Holy Ghost and the church’s responsibility to take this anointing out and do the impossible – all while establishing God’s kingdom and reaping the harvest of souls for Jesus Christ.  I cannot and I do not think I could ever be able to express the outpouring of the Holy Ghost that took place service after service.  The move of God was so rich and so powerful that at one point, it seemed like everything in the building shook.  God filled many believers with the Holy Ghost and fire! They spoke in tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance.  There was no struggle nor any resistance…the Spirit of the Lord just simply fell upon the believers.

As God moved, people were falling out everywhere – this was not a move of emotions, but a call of God.  It was an empowering of a people that God was getting ready to send forth into his vineyard.  The praise, the cry and the worship of God’s Peruvian children filled the air which drew more people into the church causing them to come down to the alter for prayer.

As the power of God continued to move, God was so gracious to allow me to operate in the gifts of the Spirit. Words of wisdom and the word knowledge flowed through me like water.  God revealed to me peoples plans, prayers, desires and dreams.  I was able to speak into peoples lives which brought great healings and confirmations.  It also brought forth mighty deliverances from hurts and pains of the past.  Our great Lord Jesus, (the balm of Gilead) did not just heal physical pain but he healed deep emotional pains that medicines would never be able to reach!  As the Spirit moved, people were healed of physical aliments, arm pain, leg pains, stomach and pack pains, headaches and many other sicknesses were healed instantly.  God was in the church and He was making His presence known!

It was so wonderful to see unbelievers coming to the altar for prayer. Not only did God save them, but He healed them and filled them with the Holy Ghost! Families were completely restored; they stood in circles crying and hugging one another!  Husbands and wives cried as they embraced their children!  The prodigal sons and daughters came home!  Halleluiah!

Altar calls seemed to last for hours but the only thing that mattered to us was that God had His way.  It was amazing to see how God walked through the church and transformed so many lives.  Even the children were empowered by the Holy Ghost!  They were falling out and talking in tongues…just like the adults!  God was not about to wait another 20 years to rise up the next generation…He was doing it right then and there.
God was calling Pastors, sunday school teachers, youth leaders, evangelist and missionaries; it was powerful. The spirit of the Lord just kept raining down and God started breaking chains of bondage off of people’s lives! The spirit of fear had to go! Depression and suicide left peoples lives as the light of Gods glorious love broke the dark shackles that bound people to a lie!

One lady said this dark demonic thing was in her life and was holding her prisoners with some kind of chain – it had bound her for years.  I laid my hands on that the lady and said, “In Jesus name, women thou art loosed!”  The minute I said those words, it was like a lightning bolt struck us booth and she was free!  She exclaimed, “The chains are gone, the dark demon is gone, the fear is gone, the pain is gone!  I am free!  I am free!  Freedom!  Freedom!”  Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!  I’m sorry, I am Pentecostal…I just had to shout all over again!  She was free from sin, free from her past! Free from the tormenting demons that haunted her mind!  Tears filled my eyes and I cried as I watched God filled her with the Holy Ghost!  I said to myself, “Take that devil, you will never be able to torment her again because greater is He that is in her than he that is in the world!”  As God continued to move on her, my mind began to think of the song that says:

I’m free from the fears of tomorrow
I’m free from the guilt of the past
I’ve traded my shackles for a glorious crown
I’m free, praise the Lord free at last.

God just continued to amaze me…He touched my mouth and I was able to speak to the people better than I ever have.  Pastor Gustavo didn’t even have to follow me to translate on one particular night because somehow, and for a moment in time, God was helping me to speak and understand Spanish better than ever before.

I could go on and on but just know this…Pastors have been restored, empowered and encouraged.  There is such joy and expectation for the move of God in every church!  God moved on the people but He moved on us just as much!  There were times when the cloud of God’s presence just filled the church and nobody could minister we all just wept and cried.  We laid on the floor and around the altar as God dealt with our lives.  This was precious time with God!

It was hard to leave because everyone was hugging and praying for one another!  God just kept moving!  Surely the presence of the lord was in this place and I could feel His mighty power and grace.  This is truly one conference none of us will ever forget!  We give God all the glory, honor and praise for the marvelous work He has done!  What a mighty God we serve!

Thank you for all your prayers!

Monday, October 19, 2015

God has done a great work in Nauta Peru!

Reverend Melvin Sanchez writes:
It’s hard to believe our time in Nauta has come to an end.  We have seen God do great things in the lives of His precious people, here in the Amazon jungle.  We’ve had great time of fun with our old friends in addition to making many new friends.  We have laughed, cried, prayed and worshiped God together. We’ve been able to empower and encourage one another through the word of God.  It has truly been one of the best conferences I’ve been part of here in the Jungles.  I believe with all of my heart we lived the scripture of Psalms 133 where it says, “How good and excellent it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”  It was that precious ointment that brought both healing and restoration to many lives.

On this trip, I was not an American and they were not Peruvians...instead, we were all sons and daughters of God Almighty.  We were boldly going before His throne, seeking His face and God was faithful to hear the cries of His people in both Spanish and English.  He answered us, He healed us, delivered, filled and renewed us!  He gave us power to fulfill His will and accomplish the call on each of our lives.

One of our last meetings was so powerful – it was as if God himself stood in the midst of the congregation, reached out and laid His hands upon His people. Hot tears flowed from my eyes as I watch God move.  Many people were filled with the Holy Ghost.  Young people were called into the ministry and accepted the call to Pastor, to be Youth Pastors, Missionaries and Sunday School teachers.  Pastors and Leaders that had given up were restored and empowered.  God has given them visions of schools and training centers. God was setting things up for the biggest revival these jungles have ever seen!  Nothing is going to stop these men and women of God!

We were all in tears as God moved on our lives!  Every team member, including Pastor Gustavo and myself, had been touched by the awesome hand of God. We all left filled up and on fire!  We have been in the presence of the Lord and greater things are going to take place in the jungles of Peru!

What are you Magnifying?

Reverend Jeremiah Collins writes: 
Oh, where to begin?  God has done so much thus far while being in Peru.  Not only in the lives of all these wonderful people, but in mine as well.  I feel like God has brought me to another level in the Spirit and I'm beyond thankful for that.  I had the privilege of teaching the Gospel to about 30 young people and I absolutely loved it!  My heart is burdened for the youth of this generation, so to see them weeping, praying and being encouraged, it just blessed my soul.  The enemy has bound this generation with the spirit of fear. It has paralyzed them from doing the will of God.  But I believe today, God delivered some young people from that spirit and they are going to begin to walk in their rightful callings!

Later that night, I preached in the main service on Psalms 34.  I felt God speak to me while in prayer to ask the people, "What are you magnifying?"  Sometimes in life, we forget how big God really is and without even knowing it, we begin to magnify our problems and situations and no longer magnify God.

After delivering the message, God moved so mightily in the alter call.  Many people got blessed, strengthened, encouraged, and received miracles from the Lord.  I have grown to love these people and my burden has only increased for them.  I am upset to leave them, but at the same time, excited to see what God has in store for us in Lima.  Please be in prayer for us as we continue to do the work of the Lord.  God bless!

Broken but Chosen!

Greetings dear family and friends of the faith!  This is Reverend Aaron Tipton and I can't even begin to put into words how special my time has already been here in Nauta Peru!
I feel absolutely blessed and also humbled to have had this chance to come and do ministry here in Peru with Reverend Melvin Sanchez and World-Wide Lighthouse Missions, Inc.
The people here in Nauta have captivated every area of my heart!  And their food is absolutely delicious!  It's amazing what different cultures have to offer and I love to experience it!  Their hospitality and generosity goes unmatched!
The services have been outstanding so far with the power of the Holy Ghost moving so personally and so tangibly!
One afternoon, I taught on "Broken but Chosen".  I talked about how God uses the foolish things to confound the wise and how people might be broken but that doesn't disqualify them from God using them and moving through them!

During one of the night services, I preached on "Restoration".  I talked about how Naomi might have lost everything, but what she had left (Ruth), was enough to restore her lineage back to her!
What she had left, was more powerful than what left!  God moved and did a deep work in the people!  This trip has forever changed my life!  I believe this is a critical pivot point for my life and the transition that is to come!  Thank you for your prayers! Please keep us in your prayers as we continue God’s work here in Peru!  God bless!

Friday, October 16, 2015

He is the potter - we are the clay!

It is always a blessing watching the motorcycles pull onto the church grounds and the Pastors getting out from the different areas of the Amazon jungle. It feels like a small family reunion because for many of us, the last time we saw each other was last year when the Pastors and Leaders Conference ended.

The meetings have been absolutely wonderful and God has so graciously poured out the Holy Spirit in every meeting. From the very young to a very old, everyone is entering in and allowing God's word to really work in their lives. At the altars, people just poured their lives out to God and God met them, answering their prayers and meeting their needs.

During the breaks, Pastors are still talking about the word of God that was preached in small groups. Everyone is sharing about what God has done in their lives and how they are going back to their villages with such faith and expectation of a mighty move of God.

Rev. Melvin Sanchez writes:
During the morning sessions, I have been teaching on the potters house and how we are all clay in the hands of that potter. And when the potter sees that we have been broken and sometimes we've even cracked under pressure and with the trials of life, that potter puts us back on the wheel and begins to work on us and make us into something even more beautiful in His sight.

During this message, God began to move across the church talking to hearts and changing lives!
Pastors fell to their knees weeping and crying in the presence of God.  Young men and women began talking in tongues as the power of the Holy Ghost fell and filled their lives!

We were in the hands of the potter and the potter was working on us all. He was taking all the things that didn't belong inside of us and he was filling us with all the things that we need in order to accomplish what He has called us to do in this hour.

The Holy Spirit moved mightily and people shared about how God healed, delivered and set them free from anger, anxiety, fear and depression.  God replaced it with faith, hope, love, courage, strength and power!

In these first few meetings, we are already seeing what God usually does at the end of the we don't know what God is about to do next.  We are just grateful for what he has already done!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

God Can Move - In Just One Moment!

Everyone had to get up very early in the morning to travel down to the docks to start our journey to Requena. Requena is a part of the Amazon Rainforest and is characterized by high temperatures, heavy rainfall and a wide diversity of plants and animals.

Expectations for a great move of God filled our hearts as we walked down a man made wood structure that brought us down the side of a hill onto some boards to get into the boat that would take us down the river.

As the boat traveled down the river, it felt like we stepped back in time. No skyscrapers, no large buildings, no fast food restaurants or malls.  Just small communities built close to the river’s edge.  We saw men in their boats who were fishing for a living, women sitting on the docks washing clothes while children bathed in the river.  A simple yet beautiful life.

The river is quiet but the sounds that fill the air come from the laughter of children and the many types of birds that fly all around.  If you happen to look at the water at just the right time, you'll catch a glimpse of the beautiful pink dolphins jumping in the water.

It took us about four hours to get to Requena on the fast boat.  If we took the traditional method of transportation, it would've taken us all day to travel there.  Thank God for some modern advancement!

When we arrived in Requena, due to the river being low, we had to find a place to doc the boat which ended up being very far from the church.  To help us travel faster, we rented motor cars and did our best to get to the church as quickly as possible.

Once we arrived at the church, which is called The Body of Christ Church, we were greeted by Pastor Manuel Pacaya who was very happy to see us.  We only had 15 minutes to bring the message and give the altar call because our boat was scheduled to leave in 30 minutes to head back to Nauta.  BUT, we were all in good spirits because we knew God did not send us four hours down the Amazon River to be hindered by time.

God gave me a message called, "In Just One Moment" and as I preached it only took a moment for the power of God to fill that little church with His presence!
Teenagers were crying, children filled the doorways from all over the streets and came in seeking God.  Believers fell out under the awesome power of the Holy Ghost!
Our time was ending, but God was just beginning to move!

People were being saturated by the Holy Ghost and many spoke in tongues for the first time! Great deliverances and healings were in the house of God.  People clapped their hands and shouted as God touched them with his awesome power!

The Pastor of the church just wept and cried because many prayers that he prayed were answered In Just One Moment!
As we started to leave the people were still praying and crying out to God.  Mothers were holding their babies with tears flowing from their eyes claiming the promises of God for that next generation.

The Spirit of the Lord moved mightily and with power and it did not take all day – it just took a moment! One moment to call on the name of Jesus!  One moment in His awesome presence makes all the difference in the world.

Before I left the church, I looked back one more time and tears filled my eyes as I watched God move on his children.  We were all amazed and left that village saying the Lord hath done great and mighty things and It Only Took A Moment!

Thank you for your prayers!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Greetings from Peru!!!

Greetings from Loreto Peru! 

This is Rev. Sanchez reporting LIVE...and all I can say is Wow!!!

It's hard for me to believe I'm back in Loreto Peru. Before we actually got here, the team had to fly into Lima and then we had to take another plane into Iquitos.  Now, Iquitos is the world's largest city that cannot be reached by road. It's only linked to the rest of the world by river or by airplane.  Once we arrived in Iquitos, we had to stay overnight, then we got on a bus and traveled two hours down the road to Nauta.  This is where Pastor William Sifuentes from International Missionary Alliance for Leaders Education will hold his Annual Pastors and Leaders Conference that we are all so excited to be a part of.

Now let me introduce the rest of the team…we have our good friend and Ministry Partner, Pastor Gustavo Rodriquez from Christian Revival Center in Lima Peru.
Pastor Gustavo writes:  Dear family in the Lord, I am glad to be back in the jungle with Rev. Sanchez and the team, expecting God to do great things for the Pastors and Leaders of this area. We are far by distance but you are all close to my heart.  Seeing Rev. Sanchez brings you a little closer. Please, continue praying and sending God's servants, Peru needs you!!! God bless.

Rev. Jeremiah Collins writes:  Greetings everyone! My name is Jeremiah Collins and I am from Refuge Church, Pastor Greg Adkins, in Enterprise, AL.  I currently serve as the Youth Pastor as well as a teacher in our Bible College, The Refuge School of Ministry.  I am beyond excited to be in Peru with Rev. Sanchez and World-Wide Lighthouse Missions, Inc. for these next two weeks, and I am looking forward to all that God is going to do. There is expectancy in my Spirit that I can't explain. I believe this is a God-ordained trip, and God is going to show Himself real to these people in a way He has never done before. I'm believing for great deliverances, healings, and a move of the Spirit. Please continue to be in prayer for us as we do God's will. God bless you all.

Rev. Aaron Tipton now writes: Hello my name is Aaron Tipton. I go to Walker Valley Community Church in Charleston, TN. The senior Pastor is Pastor Larry Hamilton. I am so excited to be here in Peru and to have this amazing life-changing opportunity!  I am looking for the miraculous to happen here in Peru with healings, signs and wonders. But, most of all, lives being changed and souls being saved all to the glory of Jesus Christ!

As I have already said every single one of us is excited and there's a great expectation for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Ghost and fire in the jungles of Peru. Please keep us in prayer as we go forth to accomplish all that is in God's heart for his people.

God richly bless you!
Jeremiah Collins

Aaron Tipton

Pastor Gustavo Rodriguez

Pastor William Sifuentes

Friday, September 18, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

Report from the Dominican Republic

Rev. George Teachman recently had the opportunity to minister to communities throughout the Dominican Republic. God moved powerfully during these meetings and both young and old were saved, delivered and healed through the power of the Holy Spirit. Below are just a few of the highlights from his report.

"We arrived and the people were greatly awaiting a move of God. For over a month the church had been having prayer meetings early in the morning in anticipation of what God was going to do. When I started to minister, the electricity went out. Whoever had their cellphones turned them on so we could have a little light but this did not stop the Holy Spirit from moving upon the people! Literally every person came up for prayer at the altar call. Many visitors gave their heart and life to Jesus Christ that night!

There was a couple who came up for prayer. When we asked them what they wanted God to do they responded “Only God knows”. The Lord had already showed me their need and when I told them what their need was and what God was going to do, the woman was shocked and immediately fell under the power of God, praising Him for answering their prayers.

A young man, who was the leader of the local youth, was the worst drug addict in the area. Jesus delivered him from his cocaine habit! We were able to give this young man, along with 37 other new Christians, a Bible!

When we got to the city of Santo Domingo, we found out that they were having a large street meeting. We asked the host Pastor if we could speak to the people. We did briefly, and when we went back to worship with the people, the host Pastor came over to us and said: “It is no coincidence that you are here tonight. The invited preacher just called and told us his car broke down and he can’t make it tonight. God has sent you to preach the Word of God to us!”

We  had a chance to visit the largest prison in the country. There were thousands of prisoners in the yard, hallways and cells. We started testifying to large groups of prisoners. They started asking for prayer so they could dedicate their lives to the Lord. 20 of us gathered together in the hallway and they all started seeking the Lord to have their lives changed!

The call for all people to come to repentance is going out and many are responding to the call!

God Bless,
Rev. Teachman

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Last Day of Conference

The last day of the minister’s conference was incredible. Different people got up and began to testify how the meetings have changed their lives and caused them to think differently and believe God more for the impossible. Various choirs got up to sing special songs before the word of God was preached. When I finally got up, I preached a message called "Receiving the Promise" It wasn't long until we all were shouting, running, jumping dancing and crying out to God because  of what he was doing in our lives. There was a living river of God's power in the house and if it touched you, you were changed!

Pastors fell out onto the altar under the power of God. Elders and mothers were speaking in tongues. Many teenagers were filled with the Holy Ghost and demons were cast out of many people’s lives. The enemy tried to bind some of God’s people and stood against us, but when the saints began to pray and called on the mighty name of Jesus, the Holy Ghost began to move and Satan lost his power. Hallelujah!  Jesus went through the church today healing the sick, casting out devils and rebuking the devourer! God showed himself strong in the church today. It was incredible, magnificent, glorious and powerful.

Towards the end of the day, there was a water baptism and 43 souls went down in Jesus’ name and came up new creatures in Christ. Old things are passed away and all things have become new…it was just a precious day in the Lord.
All we can say is mission accomplished, mission complete and the US team is coming home!

God bless you thank you all for praying.
-Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez

Minister's Conference

This year's conference, held in Lusaka, Zambia in an area called Misisi was so beautiful. It's hard to imagine that God packed that much into just 3 days worth of meetings.  There were times of teaching and instruction, times where the Lord was dealing with hearts and minds by pulling out old roots and traditions and then, there were times when we just got lost in the Lord!  We jumped, shouted, danced and claimed the victory for our lives!

All of the messages flowed together and built upon each other. Our brothers and sisters in Zambia are on the brink of a great move of God and each speaker built on the common themes that God is calling his people to change their mind set, to do something with what they have, and to "only believe" for God to cover the rest.

The last meeting was so powerful, as the Holy Spirit came down and pleaded for the people of Zambia. People cried out to God with all their hearts for nearly an hour. Many fell flat on their faces, some were on their backs, some stood and prophesied as the preacher had ministered, while others just knelt and wept. There is a determination in the people of God that they are going to make a difference in their communities for Jesus Christ. 

Really, that last meeting summed up our entire trip. The ministry here is filled with men and women who are battling odds that would seem insurmountable by all accounts. How can you teach 560 students with only 6 teachers and limited supplies? How can you build a permanent church when you're surrounded by needs and there seems to be no money? The Bible says that with man it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible! This week, we've seen this scripture in action.  560 children, who cannot pay, are receiving an education every day.  A village in need of a church is digging mud out of the river bed and baking it to make bricks. Right now, on the ground in Chongwe lies a pile of bricks that are prepared and a Pastor believes that God will supply the money to purchase cement so that he can mason them together. But he's not just waiting - - Somehow, the wall is already waist high!

That's where this whole work in Zambia seems right now.  Many are being fed, educated, clothed, and receiving salvation every day. But there are still bricks on the ground.  With just a little more mortar, hundreds, even thousands more could be reached.  This week, the men and women of these wonderful churches claimed God's promises for their lives and we know that God is going to supply.

Thank you so much for praying, thank you so much for sending, thank you so much for doing! You are a part of what God is doing here in Zambia.  And the best's only the beginning!

-Ben Satagaj

Men's Meeting

What a wonderful time of fellowship we had this afternoon! The plan was to talk to the men in an informal teaching format and take some time breaking down Matthew 6, with a focus regarding trust in God and motives. This was a perfect follow up to Rev. Sanchez's morning meeting on "When things don't get better/There is oil in the house." He talked about how we are naturally trusting when we're born, but mistrust quickly creeps in because experiences and hurts in life cause us to build walls. If we're not careful, this mistrust extends to God and we subconsciously group him in with everything around us, and this translates to a lack of faith.

We took some time to review prophecies of the Bible that illustrate the infallibility of God's Word. There are specific Messianic prophecies that could never be predicted by natural man because the circumstances around them were not in place at the time they were written. However, God revealed it to the prophets and they wrote down the words that would one day be fulfilled, once everything else fell into place.  From there, we really dug into the portion of scripture that says, "Thy father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."

We began to discuss the motive behind our ministries and who is being glorified. There is a difference between someone who is consumed with the kingdom vision and a person whose desire is to promote himself. The difference is the anointing and without it you can entertain, but you can't break yokes.  At this point, the Holy Spirit started revealing dreams and desires in the men and a few began to weep. One man tried to take notes even though tears were welling up in his eyes.  Within a few minutes, it was impossible to go further. God was refreshing the vision in men's lives and telling them that they could trust Him, for He would bring it to pass. God is not a respecter of persons and He could move on whosoever let him. 

We lifted our hands and began praying together as God took over.  One man put his head on his desk and just poured out his whole heart to God.  When we prayed with him, you could feel discouragement breaking away and an assurance that God would do exactly what he said he would do. God was bringing him to another level. Another man rocked back and forth with tears streaming down his face proclaiming God's promises.  Men were standing with hands raised, prophesying God's Word for their lives and corporately we spoke to the mountain…it shall be moved, and Misisi is going to change! It was awesome! 

I personally felt such a bond to these men and a burden for the struggles they face. It's easy to talk of faith when you're comfortable and life is easy, but these men live next to children who know they won't eat that day. Many children are sick because they live, play, and sleep surrounded by trash on every side. This is a place where it's easy for dreams to be swallowed up in circumstance and hope can seem fleeting. God has placed an answer in Misisi, and it is the church.  Today, I experienced a part of the burden they face, and then I experienced the burden-bearer come on the scene and say, "I can make a way where there seems to be no way. I can open a door, no man can shut." I know God is about to do even greater things in their lives.

Thank you and God bless!
-Ben Satagaj

Women's Meeting

The fellowship with the ladies was a great experience for me. I did not feel like I was ministering to strangers but to family that I have known all my life. The ladies laughed and cried as I shared about Ruth and Naomi's journey.
After the message, we gathered in a circle and began to pray. The Lord was faithful to move upon these beautiful women of God!
After prayer, all the ladies began to ask Sis. Nicole and I about our lives and families. We all laughed and just had a great time, as we shared stories about our families.

It was a beautiful service and these women have gotten in my heart. The ladies call me ‘mom’ and just shower me with love. Even though they have great needs, they also have great faith in a great God that is able to meet their every need. It is so difficult to put into words what is in my heart but I am so grateful to be a part of this team.

-Bishop Gallaher

Monday, August 17, 2015

Report from Bishop Gallaher

Bishop Gallaher reports:

Let me start by giving honor to God, to Bishop Joy Misika and to the executive board for holding this beautiful annual conference.  I would also like to give honor to Minister Benjamin Satagaj and his wife Nicole.  Last but not least, I’d like to give honor to Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez and World-Wide Lighthouse Missions, Inc. who thought it not robbery to bring an 80-year-old lady to Lusaka, Zambia so she could preach the gospel!

Everything here has been so beautiful…the children, the people and the singing. It's hard to put into words, but God's people here in Zambia are a precious people – they are a strong people and they are mighty in their faith toward God.

While here in Zambia, God spoke to my heart to preach a message entitled – Just Believe.  In the middle of my message, I also shared a personal testimony of how God raised up one of my children for His glory. When all others had given up hope, God told me to, just believe.
I know the message challenged people and stirred their faith because many lives came to the altar crying and seeking the face of God. They began to believe that God was able to meet each and every need. The entire U.S. and Zambia team worked together at the altars of God, ministering to the young and the old. God was faithful, so very faithful, to move on his people with the power of the Holy Ghost!  It was just precious!  At times, all I could do was lift my hands and glorify God, with tears running down my cheeks as I watched God work in the mist of his children.

In closing, I’d like to say how very evident it is to see the many needs that our friends here in Zambia have.  They need churches to be built, and children fed and educated – some may think it takes a lot to help change a life, however, the Lord spoke to me years ago and said, “Use what you have and do what you can.” So today, I want to encourage you to use what you have and do what you can, and God will do the rest!

First Day of Conference

Today was the first day of conference and there was such an excitement in the air!  Preparations were made, grounds were cleaned, and water buckets had been filled.  People were singing and everyone was getting ready for the members of all the church branches to arrive for the annual conference.
It wasn’t long until the members started arriving - the atmosphere was filled with great joy!  People hugged, embraced and cried because they hadn’t seen one another since last year, while others came in singing songs.

As people entered the church grounds, they brought potatoes, rice, chickens, and goats, for all the meals that were going to be served this week!
The worship service was amazing, listening to everyone lift up their voices to Glorify God…and I absolutely loved the handmade instruments they use.  You don't even miss the guitars, drums or trumpets that we are used to back home because when people begin to open up their mouths, they create something that sounds like a heavenly symphony – it truly is captivating.

After song service, every choir wanted to sing, but there was not enough time. So, they gave each choir a chance to sing throughout the week. As the songs were sung, people clapped their hands and praised God. One Pastor said to me, "We owe God all the praise because we made it through another year…in the mist of poverty and hunger, unemployment, discouragements, deaths and sickness, God through His love and mercy, chose to keep us alive. God has kept us safe, He has provided and we just had to give Him the glory!"

When it was time to preach, I preached the first message on the Divine Destination! This message was embraced with great joy and faith.  God was so faithful to remind His people in the message that they're on a journey and He is walking with them.  He has a divine purpose and call on the lives of each and every one of them and the Holy Spirit has come to empower His people to accomplish the call.

As the Word went forth, people were dancing, shouting and running around the church because they knew that they had purpose!  They knew God's hand was still on their lives. They knew that nothing they went through this past year was without purpose. Even what they are facing right now, God was working it out for their good!It wasn't just a meeting, it was a celebration!  It was a revival!  It was like God had come down and empowered His people to keep moving forward!  No matter what happens, don't stop!  Keep moving forward!

When the altar call was given, many people were blessed by God and filled with the Holy Ghost. Older people were at the altar thanking God for his faithfulness, younger people were at the altar thanking God for their future. We even had sinners at the altar thanking God for destroying the past.

As the altar call went on, people were falling out under the power of God. Elders were praying for one another and families were gathered together calling on the mighty name of Jesus. It was a beautiful, beautiful service.  Thank you for all your prayers!

Please forgive the poor quality of the following video, but we wanted our viewers to catch even a small glimpse of what God did during these meetings!

Youth Meeting Report

Written by: Nicole Satagaj

What an amazing experience it was, to gather with the youth and leaders in the church and head out to the paths of Misisi!  As we walked and sang, children on the street ran from every direction to join the group with big smiles on their faces.  They followed us into the church and sat down to hear the Word of God.

I have such a desire for these young people.  They are so special in God's sight. The first meeting, I preached on how the enemy is out to steal their future, their purpose, and their identity, but Christ has come to give them life and hope! The next day, God gave me a word to tell them that they are not forgotten! God has called them and wants to anoint their lives with the Holy Ghost and power!  In the last meeting, I preached how God wants to use their lives even now, as children.  God doesn't need to wait to use them until they are grown up, they can have a ministry now!

The altar calls were beautiful.  Little children and teenagers flooded to the front, anxious to receive from God.   The team, along with the youth workers, prayed over their lives that God would anoint them.  The presence of God just settled over the young people like a blanket.  God also gave us a special time to pray with the youth leaders, that God would anoint them to reach the young people of this generation!

During one of the meetings, I felt such compassion rise up in me for these young people.  Through the Holy Spirit, I began to pray for this generation that God would raise them up.  I prayed that they would serve Jesus all the days of their lives!  These children are the future of the church and the future of Zambia!  Let's pray that they will be world changers for Jesus!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Sunday School Report!

The children in Misisi Compound are just beautiful. They smile, follow you around, and laugh when you sing a silly song. They play soccer with homemade balls, love to shake your hand, and enjoy saying in their best English, "Hello, how are you?"

Even though they are young, life is hard on them…many of them, even children as young as 2 or 3, wander the streets alone during the day. As you walk the streets, you see children crying all alone.  Others play in garbage piles and wander around with no shoes.  Siblings take care of other siblings and it is not uncommon to see a 5 year old with a baby on their back, whom they are responsible to care for.  They face hunger, sickness, and uncertain futures...but thank God for a church that reaches out to the young people in this community! A church that teaches them that there is a hope for their lives and it's in Jesus Christ! During Sunday School, I shared with the children that God wants them to come to him.  I felt to share with these children that God sees them, He's there when no one else is, and He wants to bear their burdens (Matthew 11:28).

How beautiful it was to see these young people pray! If they can learn to trust in Jesus, He will bring them through the storms of life. They love to pray!  In fact, later on during the altar call of the main church service, I found myself praying for a child.  As I prayed fervently, eyes closed, hand resting on the child's head, I began to feel other little heads bumping up into my arms as other children pressed in to receive prayer as well. They did not want to be passed by!

We must continue to pray for these young people, that they will never lose their desire for Jesus!  Let's pray that God will draw more young people into the church so that their future isn't swallowed up by the desolation that they face, but that they find their purpose and hope in Jesus Christ!

God bless,

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Linda Church Visit Report

Benjamin Satagaj reports:

These first few days in Zambia have been so beautiful.  I have felt so at home, so welcomed, and so loved. I have also been challenged like never before.  My heart has been stretched until it felt it might break and then I have been encouraged and strengthened by the men and women who have a vision to meet the needs.  There is a hope and it's in the church.

Today was such a beautiful experience!  When we pulled up to the church, the entire congregation came outside to greet us.  They lined both sides of the walkway into the church singing and praising God like only the Zambian people can. This is the branch church that our youth choir visited a few years ago and helped raise support to put a new metal roof on the building. The church is still in great shape and the house was full, even though it was a special weekday service.

The people were excited to see us and couldn't wait to hear from all of the team members. They shouted and praised God as we greeted them and when it was time for the Word, they were all anxious to see what God was going to say.  I preached on the 4 lepers. God never called us to sit still and die, but he has empowered us to launch out by faith and move forward.  He always makes a way.  

The altar call was awesome!  It started with people calling out to God in their seats, and we went through the aisles to pray with them, but it didn't stop there. Soon after, they flooded the altar, proclaiming the promises of God by faith. The Holy Spirit was falling! 

One lady was crying out with a loud voice and when Sis. Nicole went over to pray with her, she broke through and became free. Soon, she was praying along with us for the other souls at the altar. Bishop Misika was a man on fire!  He was praying for everyone at the altar, shouting in prayer and leading them to victory.

 It has been so beautiful to watch Bishop Gallaher in action. At every location we've gone to, she's found someone who just needed the love of God and she pours out her heart to reach them.  Every time I see her, she has her arms wrapped around some young lady or some elderly mama. There are tears running down their faces as they feel God's heartbeat and know that He sent her to love on them.  Plus, she's a powerhouse every time she touches the microphone!  She has a beautiful ministry.

We left tired, but full of joy and gratitude toward God for his faithfulness.  Personally, I am so blessed that he chose me. I don't think there are adequate words to describe the satisfaction that comes when you obey God's will for your life and he allows you to be the instrument that changes another person's destiny. This is God's desire for each and every one of us no matter where we go every day.  I'm in Zambia, you're at the grocery store, or at work, or in a convalescent home.  In every place, God is glorified and lives can be changed because of the great hope that lies within us.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Chongwe Church Visit Report

Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez reports:

Today was our church branch visit day. Bishop Misika, the executive board and our team packed into the van and headed for Chongwe.

The Chongwe church branch is located about 2 hours by car, straight in the heart of Lusaka. You leave the city and head to a more rustic area with no electricity or running water. It is almost as if you take a step back into time… you leave paved roads and begin to travel down dirt roads for miles, having to go through various military check points the further you go out from the city.

As we drove, we saw small groups of shepherds bringing their cattle to graze in the fields and passed by villages where most homes are made out of mud bricks and sticks.
When we finally arrived at the church, we were met by a choir. They sang a beautiful song in their native language to greet us as we entered into the church.

The church was so excited to see us! The women were shouting, children were laughing and dancing and the whole church sang a special song just for us.

Each team member greeted the church and was met with a round of applause. This church had been waiting for years for us to come. Today was truly an answer to their prayer!

I preached a message called ‘God is bringing it all together’. It wasn't long until the Holy Ghost took over the service and God moved on His people. All over the church, people were being blessed, healed, delivered and others were just saturated in the precious Holy Ghost. God moved on the very young and the very old! It was glorious!

After service, one of the elderly church women came over to me with our translator. This woman had tears in her eyes as she spoke. She grabbed me and said:

"I have been waiting for you to come for years. I saw you preaching in our church here, in a vision as a little girl… and when you came, there was great blessings and joy in our village. Today almost 65 years later, you're here in my church and I have seen blessings, miracles and a moving of the Holy Spirit. I know that we are blessed because God sent you and the team to be here with us. My wait is over and the door of blessings is open to us, for the servants of the Lord have come.”

Before we left the church, the leaders began to show us their plans for a new church building. Please keep this project in your prayers because we know that God, who started the work in them, will be faithful to complete it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wheelbarrow Ministry

Today the team prepared bags of corn meal, salt, oil and cabbage in preparation to hand these gifts of love to the many people in need in Misisi Compound. All of us worked together with the leaders of the church, and it was so joyous because we all knew we were going to bless lives today!

As we worked, somehow word spread that help had arrived and it could be found in the House of God. In what seemed like moments, mothers, fathers, teenagers and children ran and lined up at the door. They hoped and prayed there would be something left they could bring home to help their families.
Read along, as a few members of the team share their hearts about helping the wheelbarrow ministry.
-Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez

Bishop Gallaher reports:
All I can do is cry, when I think that our great God put us on the giving end to be a source of life to our sisters and brothers in Lusaka, Zambia. I hugged and encouraged everyone that came in looking for help. I was thinking, when you see a people that are struggling to survive, it causes you to reevaluate your life and you begin to realize how many things you easily take for granted and how blessed you really are. The Zambian people were so grateful for everything that was given to them. Everyone wanted prayer because they knew that the gifts could only last so long…but their help and hope comes from Jesus Christ. I am just so blessed and honored to have been a part of a Mission that is changing lives!

Nicole Satagaj reports:
I don't even know how to put today into words.  The whole experience was just overwhelming.  It is one thing to hear about the need at home.  Your heart is moved with compassion, but a completely different burden overtakes you when you are the one handing out the bag of food to someone who has nothing.  Desperate souls clamor at the door as they line up to receive blessings. You watch their faces as they count out how many bags are left to see if they will receive one.  You can't even leave the church because of the people pressing in and you struggle as you realize that one bag is only one meal for 2-3 people; maybe it will feed a family, if it stretched into a watery porridge.  Your heart fills with increasing dread as you watch the pile grow smaller and smaller and you know it will run out soon.  You weep as the food is gone and yet a group of children still press their beautiful faces into the entrance way hoping to be blessed. You feel the weight that this ministry in Zambia faces every single day. Your heart breaks under the pressure and cries out, ‘I have to do more.  Lord, I have to do more.’

The church is a light.  Amidst such great need, you are handing out hope, one bag at a time.  Today, God has answered someone's prayer.  Today, word gets out in the streets that there is help. Where?  In the church.  As each person comes, they are ministered to. Their hearts are hungry.  Every single person wants you to pray with them, so you pour out your heart and you ask God to watch over the young child who comes in for food, happy to surprise their family, who comes home, knowing that they will eat today.  You pray for God's presence to touch a man's life who is deaf and dumb, but yet you know God understands him.  You ask for God to provide for an elderly lady who has no sight, yet others lead her into the church to receive her blessings.  You minister to a drunk man, telling him that there is a hope and a purpose for his life.

All the while, you pray earnestly for God to send more laborers into the harvest, for the need is great.  You ask God to lay the burden greater on people's hearts to give, so that the work can go forth. Finally, you believe God that His love and provision will go with these people because He is a great big God, who can do more in these people's lives than just what they received today.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday morning service was just dynamite. It always blesses me going to church early and listening to the praise team sing praises unto the Lord, as the people get together and come into church with their families excited and ready to receive something from God.
Song service was amazing! There is no sound in the world that can compare to anointed African harmony. There is no way to describe it; it just has to be experienced because it is captivating and heaven sent.

As the praise team began singing, people began to weep and cry as they lifted up their hands in worship to our heavenly father.
After the praise team, various choirs got up to sing their special songs. Some choirs marched up to the platform and some choirs danced up to the platform, but everyone sang with such joy in reverence to God, it was beautiful.

Soon after, it was time for the team to greet the church.
Ben and Nicole were on fire as they shared a word of encouragement that blessed the entire church.
When Bishop Gallaher got up, she just began to weep and cry and she lifted up her hands to God thanking him for sending her to Africa. She said she was so overwhelmed with the beautiful people in the presence of God that she could not contain herself and it wasn't long until the power of God came on her and she started dancing and running. Then, the church jumped up, clapping their hands and started rejoicing with her! It was great!

Right after that, I got up and preached a message about how the oil is still in the house and how the oil represents the anointing. The anointing can't just be in the house, it has to be in our lives and it has to be flowing out of us in order for us to be effective in the kingdom of God.
As I preached God's word, waves of the Holy Ghost would flow over the people and they would jump up, shouting, crying, and dancing. Even our driver, Benson, said he has never experienced the power of God come on him so strong. He said his whole body was trembling and he couldn't control himself because God was moving in his life so strongly! Benson said “You people are true men and women of God, for I have never experienced the power of God so strong in my life!”

As the message went on, different people were getting delivered and set free. Mothers and children were crying out to God. Fathers and sons were shouting and even the little kids were magnifying God! And just when you thought it couldn't get any better, the Holy Ghost took over the service and the Spirit of God had his way in the house! You could feel the shift in the atmosphere when the Holy Ghost took over. Instantly people’s needs started being met!

 One lady reported that she had problems with her bones for years and even walking was painful, but when the spirit began to move, it took the pain out of her bones and she no longer had any pain!
Another man reported that he had a head injury which caused him great headaches. He had it for years and it wouldn't go away, but today when the power of God moved, he noticed that his head wasn't hurting anymore. He was healed by the power of God!

Another young man said that he was having sharp stomach pains and it wouldn't go away but as the message was being preached, he felt the fire in his stomach and when the fire left so did his stomach pain! Can I just stop and tell somebody that our God is still a miracle worker! Can I give God the glory and just say he still does the impossible and he's just waiting for somebody to reach out and take him at his word, because He's got more miracles for his people! Hallelujah!

God was moving all over the church…He was healing and He was delivering. As service continued, a young lady in the back of the church was praising God, shouting and dancing. All of a sudden something got a hold of her and she began speaking in tongues for the first time as the Spirit gave her the utterance! God not only filled her but He also filled her friends with the Holy Ghost that were shouting around her!

As The Holy Spirit was moving, people filled the altar crying out to God, worshiping God and calling on his holy name. The rest of the team met God's people at the altar and began to lay hands on them in agreement with their faith!

As we began to pray, God began to move even more in the lives of his people. All we can say is thanks be unto God for the victories he has brought into His house and in the lives of His people today.

God bless you and thank you so much for praying!
Rev. Melvin Sanchez


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Zambia Church and Team Report

Greetings from Lusaka, Zambia! The entire team is so excited to be here at the main church branch. Everyone received such a warm welcome, full of handshakes, hugs and kisses. It seemed more like a family reunion, than an introduction. 

Bishop Gallaher, from Deliverance Haven Church in Middletown, CT said that at 80 years old, God is doing something new in her life because He is allowing her to put her feet on African soil and she feels like she's already home.  She said “The people are so beautiful and the singing is just incredible.”

Ben and Nicole have made friends with all the kids and the people. They fit right in here, in Misisi Compound like they've been here their whole lives. You can tell that their heart has already walked the paths before their feet ever left the plane.

For me, it is always a great joy to be back in Zambia. Seeing my church family here again causes my heart to overflow. What a blessing seeing church growth and also seeing people that got saved and are still serving God and in ministry. To see the young children that you prayed for in youth meetings, now young adults serving God beside you and in ministry is just mind blowing! It's a wow moment when you think of all that God has done in the lives of these precious people, through the many prayers, donations and teams that have come here through World-Wide Lighthouse Missions, Inc. (WWLM)

The atmosphere here is electric! There's a great anticipation for a mighty move of God and we all can feel like God is going to do something spectacular and we are excited He has called us all to be a part of it.

Some of us He has called to pray, some of us He has called to give, and some of us He is allowed to go, but we're all going to reap the same reward for the great outpouring that's about to take place in Lusaka, Zambia.

God bless you,
Rev. Melvin Sanchez   

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Miracle Working God!

Greetings from Alabama!

God has just been so good and faithful to us!  The whole week was just incredible! we had miracles, healings, deliverances of demons, souls saved, backsliders restored, elders set on fire, people filled with the Holy Ghost, and Pastors renewed, set free, and set on fire!  God did more than we could ever ask or think!

Every teaching session with the students was taken over by the Holy Ghost!  Hearts where healed, callings established, missionaries birthed, and dreams restored!  God is truly calling a generation to go forth in this hour and reap the harvest for the Lord Jesus Christ!  We also had a Water Baptism where many were filled with the precious Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance!

In the afternoons God just opened doors to minister to Pastors who have been fighting the battles of life and had become weary in their well doing.  But God, in His everlasting mercy and grace, did what nobody else could do!  For example:  There was one Pastor who had come to the meeting that was so discouraged.  Through the economy's struggles and his members losing jobs, they lost their church building.  It devastated this Pastor because he felt like he failed not only God, but his people.  But in the meeting the Holy Ghost gave me a word for this man before I knew his situation.  God said he was going to have restored what was lost and He was going to give him back a church building and fill it with a people that had a mind to work!  Well, this Pastor started jumping, shouting, crying, shaking, and talking in tongues while running, rolling, and shaking all over the place for about 45 minutes!  This was his word of deliverance!  It was awesome!

Not only did this Pastor get blessed, but God saturated all his members with the Holy Ghost and fire!  His church members were falling out under the power of the Holy Ghost!  The enemy tried to stop this little church with his lies, saying that they were defeated, BUT there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain! Break every chain!  Break every chain!  Thank God!  Thank God!  Thank God! There is not a chain that Hell can forge that the power of the Holy Ghost can't break!  God broke chains of sin, fear, depression, and poverty in these meetings and God is still breaking chains!  The songwriter said, “…the chains that seem to bind you, serve only to remind you, that they drop powerless behind you when you praise Him!”  I know a great friendship has been birthed with Pastor Adkins and this Man of God!

There was also a Sister who had been in the hospital dying.  The doctors sent her home because there was nothing more they could do.  She lay on the floor curled up in a fetal position because the pain hurt so bad.  She could not climb stairs or walk on her own, but her family was determined to get her to church.  So like the four men in the Bible that carried the sick man to Jesus, her family brought her to church.  As the service went on, this woman was in the back and while I was preaching, the Lord said to me, "There is healing in My House!"  And when I spoke that Word, it was just like a bomb went off in the church and people started getting healed all over the place!  Well, that woman that was helped in and was told that she was going to die, felt the healing hand of Jesus Christ touch her body and she stood up straight—loosed from the fear of death and loosed from the pain!  God touched her and took her pain away!  She is completely healed!  She went running around the building not once, but twice!  She went up and down stairs shouting and crying!  Hallelujah!  The devil is a liar!  She is not going to die, but live and glorify God!

I am here to serve notice to the Devil and to every pain and sickness that tried to bind the Body of Christ that there is still healing in the house!  The stripes on the back of Jesus still have the power to heal every sickness in the building!  And every pain and every disease can be healed right now in Jesus’ name!  Oh, glory to God!   I don't have to wait until the battle is over, I can shout now!  Glory!

There was also a Brother there who had five kidney stones and they were like a sharp knife stabbing him.  He was going to have to go to the doctor to get them removed, but Almighty God reached down and took away his kidney stones and he has no more pain and he gives God the glory!  So, the question is:  Are you ready for a miracle?  Because God has one just for you!

It has just been a blessed week!  God set this church on fire!  He stirred the elders into action and stirred up the gifts inside of them.  God saturated Pastor Adkins’ daughter and she is on fire!  God has just blessed this entire trip and we are just thankful to have been a small part of it.

God bless you and thank you for praying!

Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez