Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Minister's Conference

This year's conference, held in Lusaka, Zambia in an area called Misisi was so beautiful. It's hard to imagine that God packed that much into just 3 days worth of meetings.  There were times of teaching and instruction, times where the Lord was dealing with hearts and minds by pulling out old roots and traditions and then, there were times when we just got lost in the Lord!  We jumped, shouted, danced and claimed the victory for our lives!

All of the messages flowed together and built upon each other. Our brothers and sisters in Zambia are on the brink of a great move of God and each speaker built on the common themes that God is calling his people to change their mind set, to do something with what they have, and to "only believe" for God to cover the rest.

The last meeting was so powerful, as the Holy Spirit came down and pleaded for the people of Zambia. People cried out to God with all their hearts for nearly an hour. Many fell flat on their faces, some were on their backs, some stood and prophesied as the preacher had ministered, while others just knelt and wept. There is a determination in the people of God that they are going to make a difference in their communities for Jesus Christ. 

Really, that last meeting summed up our entire trip. The ministry here is filled with men and women who are battling odds that would seem insurmountable by all accounts. How can you teach 560 students with only 6 teachers and limited supplies? How can you build a permanent church when you're surrounded by needs and there seems to be no money? The Bible says that with man it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible! This week, we've seen this scripture in action.  560 children, who cannot pay, are receiving an education every day.  A village in need of a church is digging mud out of the river bed and baking it to make bricks. Right now, on the ground in Chongwe lies a pile of bricks that are prepared and a Pastor believes that God will supply the money to purchase cement so that he can mason them together. But he's not just waiting - - Somehow, the wall is already waist high!

That's where this whole work in Zambia seems right now.  Many are being fed, educated, clothed, and receiving salvation every day. But there are still bricks on the ground.  With just a little more mortar, hundreds, even thousands more could be reached.  This week, the men and women of these wonderful churches claimed God's promises for their lives and we know that God is going to supply.

Thank you so much for praying, thank you so much for sending, thank you so much for doing! You are a part of what God is doing here in Zambia.  And the best part....it's only the beginning!

-Ben Satagaj

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