Friday, September 9, 2011


The word secret means to be hidden, to conceal knowledge, to keep inward and not to express, to operate in a confidential manner.  As we all know there are some secrets that are good, like when we are trying to surprise somebody for their birthday or bachelor party so we don’t tell what we are doing, that would be considered a good secret.  But there are also bad secrets.  Those secrets are from the times that something bad has happened to you or somebody else and you hide it and conceal it and you don’t tell anyone what has happened.  Sometimes we don’t tell out of fear and sometimes we don’t tell because of the shame of what has happened to us and we don’t what anyone to know.  Those types of secrets are bad secrets which can severely alter and destroy you or somebody elses' life.  The reason I am bringing this to your attention today is because at a church where I was invited to minister, I personally witnessed God uncover secrets that held people prisoners for years.  One lady, about 70 years old, came crying to the altar because as a young girl something horrible happened to her and she never told anyone; she just lived with it and carried the pain and the guilt of it.  As a result it affected her entire life.  But when the truth of God’s Word came to her telling her that she could be free, she got up out of her seat as fast as she could and came to the altar crying out to God.  She cried out in desperation and told the secret that held her captive for 62 years and God instantly set her free!

Another man came to the altar telling us how he was raped and abused throughout his childhood and all the anger and hatred that was built up in his heart had destroyed jobs and relationships and even caused him to be angry with God.  But now, 20 years later the secret is out and God reached into this man’s soul and took away the hurt, the guilt, the pain and the shame.  He was free!  He was loosed from the shackles that held him to a lie!  He said, “I am ready now to live life the way God intended for me to live. I am free from the pain of my past!”

There where others who where hurt by strangers, close family members and some that were physical abused and could no longer trust anyone at all.  These were all things hidden behind a door in their lives.  And because they survived the horrible event, it was easier to shut the door and move on than to deal with the reality of who did it and what happened.  They just left the issue behind a closed door and tried to forget.  But the door began to show up in every room of their lives.  It affected their attitudes, their relationships, and how they dealt with and treated others.  And even what they thought about God and themselves where all affected by this door called secrets.  It robs innocent people of living a full and complete life in God because it ties them to a past and never lets them go.  But the good news is that you don’t have to keep that secret anymore.  There is a God that loves you and He wants to help you.  He understands your hurt, He knows your pain and He is standing with His arms stretched out wide saying, "Whosoever will can come unto me."  Don’t allow yourself to be a prisoner to that secret any longer!  You don’t have to be the victim forever; you can be the victor!  Many people were set free from dark secrets that have held them captives for years.  You have to break the silence and tell the secret.  You may have to run to your counselor; you may have to tell the authorities, you may have to tell your pastor.  Whatever it takes, break the silence!  Let go of the secret and be free!  The Bible says that he that the Son of God sets free is free indeed!  The songwriter said, “I’m free from the fears of tomorrow.  I’m free from the guilt of the past.  I’ve traded my shackles for a glorious crown.  I AM FREE; PRAISE THE LORD, FREE AT LAST!

God bless you!
Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for writing this blog on secrets. I can relate to this blog because I have kept a secret for years and I was not set free until that secret was uncovered. It brings joy to my heart to know how many will be reached because of this blog. for the revealing of a secret is the beginning of a new life!


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