Greetings friends this is Rev. Sanchez.
My wife, Abigail and I would like to share with you a great report on how the Lord moved during the Church of God in Christ District meeting at Harvest Hope with Pastor Michael Brown this past weekend. Abigail preached a powerful message at the comfort Inn dinning hall in Pawtucket Rhode Island. This was where they were holding one of the meetings. Abigail preached about the Church and how it still has the power to change and save peoples lives through the cross of Calvary and the blood of Jesus. As the Word went forth people were crying and shouting all over that dining room. We forgot we were in a hotel conference room because when the Holy Ghost came in we were all in the presence of God! Many of the hotel people kept coming by the door because they could feel the power and the life of God flowing out of the room! Many people got prayer after the message and God touched them mightily. It was amazing! God was delivering people and some fell out under the power of God in the hotel dining room! Through our stay we ministered to the staff and two ladies re-dedicated their lives to Jesus and went back to church! Hallelujah! Now tell me is there anything too hard for God!
Friday night and Sunday when I, Rev. Sanchez preached it was the same way. The Holy Spirit wasted no time moving mightily upon His people. Many pastors that were just burdened down with the weight of ministry were set free and delivered by the power of God! Pastora were renewed and re-filled in the Holy Ghost! They were dancing and shouting. Some where crying others were on floor stretched out before God because He showed up and moved in a awesome way! We did not leave church until after 1:30 am! During the altar call they carried a young boy over to me. He was about 6 or 7 years old. He has been on every medication to control his anger but it had all failed. He has also been kicked out of every school in the district because nobody can control him. This little boy is wild and sees demons at night. We asked him if he wanted us to pray that Jesus would deliver him and set him free and he said yes! We prayed until the power of heaven itself statured that young little life. As we prayed you could feel the powers of darkness breaking around this young man's life like shattered glass and all at once a great peace came over his face. The hand of God was on him! I quickly asked where his mother was and began to talk to her about getting things out of her home and restoring her relationship with God. As I spoke to her she began to cry and lifted her hands in the air and re-dedicated her life to God! The gentle rain of the Holy Ghost showered down on her and she fell back trembling, crying and shouting under the power of God! The Holy Ghost was filling her up and giving her power! I just want to tell you that their home will never been the same again! There was a strong man in their house but a stronger than he has come and put him out! And now the house is filled with Jesus! There was great rejoicing in the church!
There was one pastor who came to the altar with pain in her hands and in her back, she could hardly move but as the Spirit of God moved across the church her pain lifted! She was free and healed! She could not contain herself, it was like fire shut up in her bones! There was also an elder who came to the altar and he could barely walk. I told him to put his hands in the air an call on the power name of Jesus, when he did it as like a bolt of lightening came down for heaven and hit this man. He was crying and shouting and walking up and down the isles stomping his feet and marching! He was healed immediately by the power of God! He did not have to wait in a long line, he did not have to take a pill or see a specialist, one touch from Jesus and immediately he was healed!
God recently spoke to me and He said, “Things are going to happen Immediately." Immediately means: swiftly, speedily, suddenly, straightway, instantly, urgently, direct, at once, without any interference or delay, immediate action, this moment, this minute, this second, right now! In Matthew 8:1-3 it says “When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. And, behold, there came a leper and worshiped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed."
In Luke 13: 10-13 it says, "And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God"
Church, I think God is trying to tell us something! There may be somethings you have been waiting for but I came to declare to you that the wait is over! There are some doors that have been closed that are going to open, there are some situation that have held you up that are going to turn around, there are some sicknessed that have lingered around and won't seem to go away but a healing is about to take place. There are some children that have run off like the prodigal son that are going to come to themselves and come back home! Immediately! Immediately! Not a year from now! Not a month from now! Immediately! Well my friends this is a good time to give God a praise! Glory to God! Thank you Jesus! Oh bless His name!
The Lord continued to move all night, great deliverances, healings, refilling and restoration all over the House of God! We can’t help but to Glorify God for all the things He has done!
God bless you!
Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Order My Steps!
We'd like to share this great report from our dear evangelist friend, Rev. David Hamlett. He often joins missionary, Rev. Melvin Sanchez on visits to Churches that support our Mission Outreaches, and this report was so great, we just had to share it with you - God Bless you
Greetings - I am sending you this report about the Harvest Hope Church of God in Christ, Providence District Meetings Pawtucket, Rhode Island. I was blessed to be the opening speaker for their annual conference on Wednesday night July 18th, and what a soul-stirring meeting it was.
The Bible says, this in Psalms 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” This would be the foundation my message as I spoke on this subject: “Order My Steps in Your Word”.
Superintendent Brown ministered to the church in song first, and then I continued with song, singing one of those old favorites I used to sing in the church I grew up in “My Soul Loves Jesus, bless is Name. The presence of the Lord entered the church and many of the people stood to their feet and began shouting and praising God and giving thanks to the Lord, as He prepared their hearts to hear the His Word. As I sang, these words touched God’s people “He is a wonder in my Soul, He is a wonder in my Soul, praise His name”. Tears began to flow and the Holy Ghost took over and hands were raised all over the place. It was so amazing to hear the sound of the church saying “Hallelujah”. This joyful sound would echo from wall to wall and it still resounds in my soul today. YES! It was like the words of the Palmist which says,
Psalm 100:4 “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name”.
The need in the church was great and people’s needs were even greater. But the Word of God met every need that was present! I truly felt the anointing of Lord moving through me as I encouraged God’s people to continue to ask the Lord to order their steps. I talked about Luke writing about Paul’s journey to Rome in Acts 27. I shared, “sometimes when we walk with God, it will take us through some tough places even into some storms, but even in the midst of the storm, God sends a Word”, “Be of good cheer!” for He will bring you safe to the shore, when your steps are ordered in God’s Word”.
The people of God responded to the message and heeded the call with joy and faith in their hearts for those things which are impossible for man but as we know ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD! The Word of God brought the church to an altar call that I know changed people lives forever. The sick came and God healed them. Some came seeking the Holy Ghost and God filled them! Those that were oppressed came and God delivered them. Sinners came seeking God for salvation and God saved them. Those that were bound came and God set them free, YES! The move was on, but it wasn’t by my power or my might, but it was by God’s Word, and the devil was mad for God has gotten the victory once again!
Praises filled the atmosphere and a shout broke out and without hesitation the church started to dance and worship God in the beauty of holiness. It reminded me of this scripture: Psalm 107:8-9 “Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness”.
Many great answers to prayer came after this meeting, answers of strength being restored, faith renewed, personal answers to prayers, and healing. Even at the breakfast table a Pastor from Milwaukee, Wisconsin came over to me and asked for prayer for an ear problem. I believed with him and prayed and told him that God has taken care of it. The Pastor said, “I believe!” Later on he told me that while driving to the drug store to get something to help his ear, he felt a pop in his ear and instantly he was healed by the power or God! GLORY! Hallelujah to the name of JESUS!
There was a lady sitting in the church who had a need and during the altar call I felt impressed for her to come & called out to her. I old her that God was there and this is her opportunity to come in contact with him. It took some time, but, she came to the altar and was the very last person to get prayer. When I ministered to her, I talked about the woman with the issue of blood and how great that need was in her life, that everyone else’s need was great, but hers was greater then all the rest. As I began to God began to shake things up. This woman started to crying, and calling on Jesus, God was moving so powerfully, she fell to floor and continued to cry out to God. The ladies of church prayed with her too and when she got up off that floor God had saved and delivered her to such a degree that the whole church start shouting, dancing, and praising God. By this, other women in the church were delivered as well. It was later that I learned that this woman used to be a Jehovah’s Witness, and had come to a place where she did not believe in God, wanted nothing to do with God, and was now into witch craft, and had nothing good to say about the church, and believed that it was all a game, until she met the living Christ at the altar. GOD is good! THERE is NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!!!! GLORY BE TO JESUS!!!
It was a great opening for these meeting and it will only get better in the days to come. The people came from north, south, east, and west and I spoke with authority upon those dry bones, telling them to hear the Word of God! And how awesome when the wind blew and God caused them to live again! It is God who orders men steps and if we walk in the pathway that God has made for us it will lead us to life eternal.
Thank you Pastor and church for your prayers especially during this time it has made all the difference for we have reached the harvest fields for the Lord once again.
God bless you all,
Rev. David Hamlett
Greetings - I am sending you this report about the Harvest Hope Church of God in Christ, Providence District Meetings Pawtucket, Rhode Island. I was blessed to be the opening speaker for their annual conference on Wednesday night July 18th, and what a soul-stirring meeting it was.
The Bible says, this in Psalms 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” This would be the foundation my message as I spoke on this subject: “Order My Steps in Your Word”.
Superintendent Brown ministered to the church in song first, and then I continued with song, singing one of those old favorites I used to sing in the church I grew up in “My Soul Loves Jesus, bless is Name. The presence of the Lord entered the church and many of the people stood to their feet and began shouting and praising God and giving thanks to the Lord, as He prepared their hearts to hear the His Word. As I sang, these words touched God’s people “He is a wonder in my Soul, He is a wonder in my Soul, praise His name”. Tears began to flow and the Holy Ghost took over and hands were raised all over the place. It was so amazing to hear the sound of the church saying “Hallelujah”. This joyful sound would echo from wall to wall and it still resounds in my soul today. YES! It was like the words of the Palmist which says,
Psalm 100:4 “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name”.
The need in the church was great and people’s needs were even greater. But the Word of God met every need that was present! I truly felt the anointing of Lord moving through me as I encouraged God’s people to continue to ask the Lord to order their steps. I talked about Luke writing about Paul’s journey to Rome in Acts 27. I shared, “sometimes when we walk with God, it will take us through some tough places even into some storms, but even in the midst of the storm, God sends a Word”, “Be of good cheer!” for He will bring you safe to the shore, when your steps are ordered in God’s Word”.
The people of God responded to the message and heeded the call with joy and faith in their hearts for those things which are impossible for man but as we know ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD! The Word of God brought the church to an altar call that I know changed people lives forever. The sick came and God healed them. Some came seeking the Holy Ghost and God filled them! Those that were oppressed came and God delivered them. Sinners came seeking God for salvation and God saved them. Those that were bound came and God set them free, YES! The move was on, but it wasn’t by my power or my might, but it was by God’s Word, and the devil was mad for God has gotten the victory once again!
Praises filled the atmosphere and a shout broke out and without hesitation the church started to dance and worship God in the beauty of holiness. It reminded me of this scripture: Psalm 107:8-9 “Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness”.
Many great answers to prayer came after this meeting, answers of strength being restored, faith renewed, personal answers to prayers, and healing. Even at the breakfast table a Pastor from Milwaukee, Wisconsin came over to me and asked for prayer for an ear problem. I believed with him and prayed and told him that God has taken care of it. The Pastor said, “I believe!” Later on he told me that while driving to the drug store to get something to help his ear, he felt a pop in his ear and instantly he was healed by the power or God! GLORY! Hallelujah to the name of JESUS!
There was a lady sitting in the church who had a need and during the altar call I felt impressed for her to come & called out to her. I old her that God was there and this is her opportunity to come in contact with him. It took some time, but, she came to the altar and was the very last person to get prayer. When I ministered to her, I talked about the woman with the issue of blood and how great that need was in her life, that everyone else’s need was great, but hers was greater then all the rest. As I began to God began to shake things up. This woman started to crying, and calling on Jesus, God was moving so powerfully, she fell to floor and continued to cry out to God. The ladies of church prayed with her too and when she got up off that floor God had saved and delivered her to such a degree that the whole church start shouting, dancing, and praising God. By this, other women in the church were delivered as well. It was later that I learned that this woman used to be a Jehovah’s Witness, and had come to a place where she did not believe in God, wanted nothing to do with God, and was now into witch craft, and had nothing good to say about the church, and believed that it was all a game, until she met the living Christ at the altar. GOD is good! THERE is NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!!!! GLORY BE TO JESUS!!!
It was a great opening for these meeting and it will only get better in the days to come. The people came from north, south, east, and west and I spoke with authority upon those dry bones, telling them to hear the Word of God! And how awesome when the wind blew and God caused them to live again! It is God who orders men steps and if we walk in the pathway that God has made for us it will lead us to life eternal.
Thank you Pastor and church for your prayers especially during this time it has made all the difference for we have reached the harvest fields for the Lord once again.
God bless you all,
Rev. David Hamlett
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
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Rev. Sanchez |
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Abigail ( left) Nathaniel , Crisaundra |
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Melvin Jr. |
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Isaiah |
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Pastor Gustavo & Family |
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Milagros |
This camp meeting is a time where Families gather together to hear the Word of God and spend time around the altar praying and allowing the Spirit of God to saturate their lives.We also have family games and fellowship. Teams are formed and friendly competitions begin. There is truly a lot of joy and laughter. This camp meeting is designed to bring families closer to God and each other.
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Camp Games |
After the camp meeting we will spend
Altar Call |
a few days teaching and preaching at the Pastors and leaders conference in Lima. Pastors are invited from
all over Lima to come for teaching session in the morning and
evangelistic meeting at night. These meetings are powerful and
God is faithful to pour out His Spirit upon His people in these meetings.
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El Faro Church |
Pastor Pelayo & Family |
Our trip would not be complete without visiting Pastor Peña at our El Faro church in La Rinconada. The El Faro church has truly been a lighthouse to those in need over the years sharing the light of the glorious gospel to all those that come. This ministry is committed to the reaching out with the love of Jesus and meeting both the spiritual and natural needs in the surrounding communities. I know that our time of ministering, praying, fellowship and volunteering in the clinic we be life changing for all of us. Please keep all of us in your prayer and look for blogs about our trip this July and August. We thank you so very much and remember if you would like to give towards Peru ministry please go to the donation page and bless this wonderful work that God is doing in Latin America.
God bless you!
Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez
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Rev. Engman hugging Zambian Mother |
Greetings Friends! This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Today we want to share with you a report we just recently from Lusaka Zambia. We pray that your hearts will be stirred as you read about the many challenges that our brothers and sisters face overseas. But then we pray that you will rejoice at the same time because of God's faithfulness and how lives were touched and needs were met because someone gave to help relieve the poor. God bless you as you read Bishop Misika's report!
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Bishop Joy Misika & Friend |
"I hereby start thanking God most sincerely, not forgetting to thank you also for continuing to extend your caring heart towards the needy in Africa, particularly Siavonga Region in Zambia. It has been an exciting outreach traveling across the mountainous land of Siavonga as we are taking food supply to the starving souls there. Traveling there using public transport, there are a lot of delays as it is a long distance passing through the valleys, mountains, bumpy and potholes, all these make the trip uncomfortable and tiresome. Indeed, God willing we made it. During the period we traveled, it has been raining throughout, and all the streams were flooded. In that area as a valley, sometimes the situation is terribly bad as the source of clean drinking water is very difficult to find. Since the villagers get their water supply from the streams, as the dirty rainwater from the high land runs down into the rivers, it makes the water unsuitable for human consumption. I thank God, despite all these hardships, people have faith in Christ and believe that, one day God will provide all their needs and save them from any disaster or danger. Just imagine, how much delighted people felt to see field workers suddenly appear in the area with food you sent to them! Really, they were very much thankful and excited. Praise be to God!
It is all happiness once more, in an environment where water & food is hard to find, but the good news of
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Going home with food! |
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Reaching families just in time! |
Kids, in company of their parents, also witnessing as parents receive food from our dedicated workers. With the scarceness of food, children are suffering the most as many households in the area have no choice but to face the consequences of the food shortages. Today, they will enjoy their meals. God is great.
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Hope! |
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Nicholas helping elderly woman |
Many came, some of whom are elderly widows that have to care for orphans. I always thank God for the feeding program as God’s people are being relieved of heavy burdens and assuring them the love of God to the Fatherless. Indeed, it was a blessing moment as there were not even one left out as they came to be blessed with maize flour. They were really blessed and took their gifts home very grateful to God and all the donors there. I thank God and thank you so much for introducing this program, as it is a great relief to the vulnerable here. God alone knows how to reward you and everyone who donates in any way to make this program possible." Bishop Misika
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Help put a smile on this face! |
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The difference you can make! |
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