Wednesday, November 20, 2013

God continues to move in the Dominican Republic!

The Power of God fell upon the people

Pastor Apolinaria has set up a 3-night Campaign Meeting in her village of Muñóz.  We made 2 large signs, about 12 feet high.  These meetings have been advertized regularly on a Christian radio station. The sound of the music could be heard through the 10 foot high speakers, which were next to the platform.  A large crowd gathered to worship God and hear the word of God ministered.

After the word of God was shared, only a few people answered the altar call at first.  It only took a few minutes for others to flood the altar, seeking God for salvation, healing and deliverance.  There were eight of us praying for the people; myself, Candy, the interpreter, Pastor Apolinaria and 4 evangelists. People were making lines, waiting for prayer.  There was a group of 25 children, from the ages of 5 to 10, looking for salvation. The Lord touched every child gently by his Spirit and they fell to the ground under the power of God.

A 13 year old boy was brought to the altar by his mother.  He had been blind from birth.  He had areas of hardened skin under his eyes.  When the evangelist prayed for him, scales fell off from his eyes. God healed his eyes instantly and he was able to see clearly! He identified how many fingers that were put up several times.

Hundreds came to the altar. Brother Rafeal stopped counting the people coming for salvation after number 40.  So many people flooded the Altar that we could not even see an end to the people.  The anointing of God was so present that many were delivered, including one girl who was only about 8 years old.  The Lord surely came down in His power tonight to do a work only He could do. We all left walking down the road to the Pastor’s house, full of joy, rejoicing over all the mighty works the Lord had done.  We are looking forward to the next 2 nights, with great expectancy to see what our GOD will do!

God Bless,
Rev. George & Sis. Candice Teachman

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