Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Healer is in the House!

Tonight Rev. Mancini led song service under the big tent! He sang good old fashion camp meeting choruses and everyone was singing and clapping their hands. In between songs he exhorted and encouraged the people to enter into the presence of the Lord. After song service an old couple called "The Borders" sang a special, both of them played their guitars as they sang “Yes, Oh Yes I’m a Child of the King”!

Soon after the offering and a few more special songs I (Rev. Sanchez) got up and shared about missions and then I went right into the Word and preached a message on "Impossibilities". As I preached the power of God filled the tent! People were crying, shouting clapping and even standing at times during the preaching. Faith was building! At the altar call a woman came down with crutches, she had problems with her hips. Rev. Mancini asked her, “What would you like God to do for you?” She said, “I have so many problems and my family is not serving God. I need a miracle.” Rev. Mancini said to her, "Sister, just give it all to Jesus because He is here.” and the minute she lifted up her hands the Holy Ghost came down on her like a flood. She started rocking and shaking and talking in tongues and all of a sudden she shook loose from her crutches shouting and screaming! She was healed by the power of God! The woman could not control herself! She was like the lame man from the temple beautiful in the Book of Acts because when he got healed he went leaping and jumping and praising God in the temple and this is exactly what this woman was doing! Another man came to the altar with pain in his legs. It was affecting his job and he did not know what he was going to do but when he came down to the altar God healed his legs! The pain was gone! He was walking all over the church and the parking lots with no pain! Tonight a woman came down the altar looking for a touch from God; she looked as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders.  As she kneed down by the bales of hay that we set up as an altar, and lifted up her hands we could she her burdens lifting as the power of the Most High overshadowed this woman and then she began to cry and speak in tongues as God filled her with the precious Holy Ghost. The next time I saw her she was laid out at the altar still talking in tongues and praising God. Tonight God met needs all over the church. There was not a big crowd tonight but we are expecting many to come because of the testimonies that are going out tonight! God has made himself real and everyone is excited!

We are believing God to do great things! We are looking for God to do miracles! Not just here in Missouri but right where you are, right now!  I don’t know what you are facing. Maybe it is financial, maybe it’s emotional, and maybe you need a healing or deliverance. Maybe you need an answer, a breakthrough or a mountain moved. All I know is that God said last night “Now is the time and today is the day.” Glory to God! That means He is moving! Enough is enough the wait is over!  Halleluiah! I want you to stop whatever you are doing and take a moment to lift up your hands and lay hold of your miracle! Now! Come on somebody! I don’t care who is around you; I don’t care who may hear you! Just lift up your hands and release your faith! Open your mouth and say “I receive it in the name of Jesus! It’s mine in the name of Jesus! Sickness be healed, mountain be moved, problem be solved, sinner be saved, chains be broken, homes be restored in the name of Jesus!" Glory to God! Somebody ought to praise Him! If you've got to, just take a five-minute break and praise Him! Praise Him like you already got it! Praise Him like you already see it! The Bible says when you pray believe that you have received it and you shall have it! So don’t wait till your battle is over shout now! Shout now! Shout now!

God bless you!
Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez

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