Monday, April 9, 2012

Ready to Run the Race!

(The Mancini Team reports on their last day of meetings with Pastor Gustavo in Lima, Peru)

Our final day in the youth conference. Once again starting off with time in prayer. The youth really brought themselves into a place where their relationship with God was secure.

The morning meeting started off with Sis Liz ministering on the struggles, doubts, concerns that enter into your heart. God showed her how He wanted her to draw a large heart and have the youth write in their troubles, concerns and struggles they were currently having. When she drew the heart, she almost threw away her first draft because the heart was oddly shaped -  it was not perfect. But in the middle of the night, God told her to leave it as it was because nobody's heart was perfect. She shared this in her ministering and when the youth wrote in there entries. Then, she covered the entire heart with a new paper that said "Jesus" on it. It showed them how He cares for us and covers all our concerns/troubles ... all we have to do is get Him on the inside.

What an altar call took place, as the youth came weeping, being healed in their hearts for all these things that have plagued them for some time. This healing Spirit hovered through the open hearts of these young people as He filled them with His love.

The last meeting in the morning (and of the conference) summed up our time, as Bro Marco ministered on the Final Lap of the race we run for God. The race we run is a straight and narrow path with many distractions along the way. But we must run the race that God gives us and finish our course. In relay races there is a baton that is passed from one runner to another. We illustrated how the old testament saints passed the baton to Christ, and Christ passed it to the early Church, and now the Church is passing it to the final generation that will run the last lap of the race.

A baton was brought to the service and at the altar call, each youth in that place had an opportunity to grab the baton and receive the commission that God has for their life. Every youth grabbed that baton and the power of God met them each time. The Spirit rushed through like a mighty rushing wind and filled the house. Every youth was on the floor slain out, reaching out to God, accepting the responsibility of the final lap in this race.

This was a great conference and these youth of Lima Peru are moving forward as mighty warriors, filled with purpose and filled with power.

Thank you for your prayers and God Bless You All!!!

Bro Marco, Sis Liz and Carolina Mancini

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