Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Men's Meeting

What a wonderful time of fellowship we had this afternoon! The plan was to talk to the men in an informal teaching format and take some time breaking down Matthew 6, with a focus regarding trust in God and motives. This was a perfect follow up to Rev. Sanchez's morning meeting on "When things don't get better/There is oil in the house." He talked about how we are naturally trusting when we're born, but mistrust quickly creeps in because experiences and hurts in life cause us to build walls. If we're not careful, this mistrust extends to God and we subconsciously group him in with everything around us, and this translates to a lack of faith.

We took some time to review prophecies of the Bible that illustrate the infallibility of God's Word. There are specific Messianic prophecies that could never be predicted by natural man because the circumstances around them were not in place at the time they were written. However, God revealed it to the prophets and they wrote down the words that would one day be fulfilled, once everything else fell into place.  From there, we really dug into the portion of scripture that says, "Thy father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."

We began to discuss the motive behind our ministries and who is being glorified. There is a difference between someone who is consumed with the kingdom vision and a person whose desire is to promote himself. The difference is the anointing and without it you can entertain, but you can't break yokes.  At this point, the Holy Spirit started revealing dreams and desires in the men and a few began to weep. One man tried to take notes even though tears were welling up in his eyes.  Within a few minutes, it was impossible to go further. God was refreshing the vision in men's lives and telling them that they could trust Him, for He would bring it to pass. God is not a respecter of persons and He could move on whosoever let him. 

We lifted our hands and began praying together as God took over.  One man put his head on his desk and just poured out his whole heart to God.  When we prayed with him, you could feel discouragement breaking away and an assurance that God would do exactly what he said he would do. God was bringing him to another level. Another man rocked back and forth with tears streaming down his face proclaiming God's promises.  Men were standing with hands raised, prophesying God's Word for their lives and corporately we spoke to the mountain…it shall be moved, and Misisi is going to change! It was awesome! 

I personally felt such a bond to these men and a burden for the struggles they face. It's easy to talk of faith when you're comfortable and life is easy, but these men live next to children who know they won't eat that day. Many children are sick because they live, play, and sleep surrounded by trash on every side. This is a place where it's easy for dreams to be swallowed up in circumstance and hope can seem fleeting. God has placed an answer in Misisi, and it is the church.  Today, I experienced a part of the burden they face, and then I experienced the burden-bearer come on the scene and say, "I can make a way where there seems to be no way. I can open a door, no man can shut." I know God is about to do even greater things in their lives.

Thank you and God bless!
-Ben Satagaj

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