Monday, May 2, 2011

God is Moving in D.R. Congo!

Pastor Ngoy, our leader in D.R. Congo, wrote us this wonderful report that we just had to share with all of you!

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus.  I must start by telling you that God is moving in all ten regions of D.R. Congo. Bukama, Kabongo, Kalemaie, Kamina, Kolweski, Kinshasa, Likasi, Lubumbashi, Malemba Nkulu and Manono.

In the main branch God has brought back so many families that had left the church. We have tried to meet with them and speak with them but they were determined to leave and find other places to worship. Our hearts were sadden, because they never went to any other church and ended up falling away from God, yet we determined to keep our eyes on God and continue to do what He has called us to do and that is to preach the Gospel. Well the good news is that  15 families that left the church have now returned back to the Lord, they have been restored and they are active members along with their families working for God!

We have also experienced our leaders being used by the Holy Ghost with spiritual gifts. 3 of our leaders are being used in Word of Wisdom, Word of knowledge and the gift of prophesy! The messages from our Heavenly Father are flowing in the church and the church is strong and on fire for God!

The Kalamie region has opened up 3 new church branches this year. 66 new souls in one branch, 85 new souls in another branch and 120 new souls in the last branch!  God is moving! A new church branch has opened in the Kasumbalesa region with 115 new souls in that church. In Manono, the pigmy region, three new church brances have opened for the glory of God!

In one month alone it was reported that over 250 souls were saved. The Word of God has gone out and it has not retuned void. Muslims are getting saved, witch doctors are getting saved, drug dealers and gang members are getting saved. God is moving in our country and He is not done yet!

We have had many water baptisms where people get baptized in Jesus name and they are filled with the Holy Ghost!  This month many pigmies were saved and also baptized in Jesus name! Yes, Rev. Sanchez even the pigmies spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance! Today they no longer need black magic or witchcraft; they have a greater power working inside of them. In the three church branches in Manono, where the pigmies are, is where we have trained pigmy pastors and leaders that are anointed and armed with the Word of God! You know nothing is impossible with God, with man yes! But with God no! God can do all things!

Here in Lubumbashi many people are poor, they cannot afford to buy medicine or visit the doctor when they are sick. All they can do is rely on God. They come to church sick. Some come to church having to be carried in and they lay them on the altar. Where else are they going to go, who else can help them and take their pain away?! Is there a balm in Gilead? But God stretches out His mighty hand every service and heals people of all manner of diseases.   They are carried in but they walk out!

I cannot end without saying that we are so excited about the new church building that by the grace of God will be finished next year. We know that the Glory of God is going to come down like a cloud and fill our new church and many miraculous things are going to take place! We thank God for what He has done. 
May God Bless you,  Pastor Ngoy

As you face your today know that the same God that moved in D.R. Congo wants to move on your behalf!  I have learned that miracles don’t just happen where they are needed, they happen where they are expected! So why don’t you step out on your faith today and believe God for a miracle! How long have you had that pain in your body?  How long have you been dealing with that mountain that won’t seem to move out of your way!  How long have you been struggling just to make it through the day?  I have come today to remind you that Jesus has all power and nothing is impossible for Him.  So make today a day of change by believing Him for a miracle! The songwriter wrote “ right now if you believe, God will work a miracle for you!"   Did you catch that last part?  He said right now!  Right now!  If you believe it can happen right now!  You can lift your hands and claim your healing right now!  You can command that mountain to moved right now!  You don’t have to wait til tomorrow, you can have your miracle right now!  So don’t you wait til the battle is over!  Go ahead and shout now because we are believing that what you are asking God to do in your life, is already done!  And remember as He blesses you , keep reaching out and be a blessing to others that are in need!

God bless you
Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord! This is JUST what I needed to hear. What a great report!!!


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