The last day of the leader’s
conference was the best. I am not sure that even I can put it into words but I
will try. Everyone came in excited about
God and ready to hear from the Lord! I taught on God’s Kingdom moving in the
earth and all the things God has given us access to in order to be
victorious. As I preached people would
jumped and shout and run. Then we would sit down and teach some more. Then we
would dance and run and shout and then we would sit down and go a little
further. But the last time we got up and started shouting and glorifying God it
was like the winds of Pentecost blew in the room! The power of Almighty God was
present and moving! Pastors and leaders were falling out in the Holy Ghost!
Many tried to get up but they could not, they were saturated in God’s presence!
Pastors were getting healed; some of back pains, some had stomach sickness and
shoulder injuries, sores on their body but they all were healed by the power of
God! As the Lord continued to move even young Christians were getting filled
with the Holy Ghost!
So many things took place in this
meeting but I know that God is not finished yet! He said in His Word that I
will move but who will let it. I believe with all my heart that we going to
experience the biggest move of God this world has even seen! God is just looking for believers to be
I believe that cancer, diabetes,
back pains and sickness of all, kinds are going to be healed, I believe that the bondage and chains of
darkness shall be broken, I believe that our young children will be filled with
the Holy Ghost, I believe teenagers are going to get saturated in the power of
God like never before and start working in the Kingdom! I believe that
backslidden children and family members that left the church are going to come back home and get saved. I
believe that God is going to give the church the finances to do whatever needs
to be done in these last days ! I believe that we are going to see miracles
like we have never seen before!
Miracles at church! Miracles at
home! Miracles in the store! Miracles in the schools! Miracles in the hospital!
Miracles on the street and in the park! I believe! I believe! I believe! I
believe God is going to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or
think! And Jesus said if any two on earth shall agree as to touching any one
thing it shall be done! Not next week right now, not tomorrow, right now, not
in an hour right now! Right now! Right now! So let us agree right now that
whatever you are believing God for shall be done right now! Let us agree that
the impossible shall become possible right now! Let us take all the limits off
of God and believe Him for the miraculous! The song writer said “ Right now if
you believe God will work a miracle for you!
God Richly bless you!
Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez
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