Monday, December 7, 2015

Sunday Night LIVE! - Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez's visit to a church in Maine

Written by: Rev. Melvin L. Sanchez

Sunday night’s service was incredible!
People gathered from three different churches – everyone arrived with great expectation and anticipation of what God was going to do!  The church was packed – almost standing room only!
The worship was dynamic; people were singing and praising God at the top of their lungs. You could feel faith in the atmosphere and the longing for God to do something in His house.
I shared mission reports about our recent trip to the Amazon and some good reports from Zambia – the people were just thrilled.
As I began to preach on the power of God's Word, the Spirit of the Lord swept across the church in a powerful way!  The wind of the Holy Ghost blew through the church and Sister Gilbert started talking in tongues and dancing in circles.  Then all of a sudden, Pastor Gilbert began running around the church talking in tongues and shouting! Then Pastor Jackson started walking the aisles with tears in his eyes glorifying God.  Then the place exploded – even Abby was shouting and dancing!  Joshua, who was sick, was absolutely fine dancing with the people of the church!  People were falling out everywhere talking in tongues, dancing, running, lying on the altar crying out to God.  Teenagers were getting filled with the Holy Ghost and talking in tongues.  Healings began to take place; people testified of stomachaches and headaches disappearing, backaches leaving, pains that people said they had for years, left them the minute the power of God began to flood the church!
Revival had broken out – people from one church were praying for people from the other churches.
God showed up and moved mightily by His spirit. Prophecies begin to come forth giving church leaders direction, confirming the calls of young people!  It was just amazing!
God said in His word, that in the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and my sons and daughters shall prophesy and old man shall dream dreams and young men shall see visions and up on my handmaids and upon my servants I poured out of those days of my spirit and God did just that!  You see, the last thing this world needs is another book on church growth and we don't need another CD on the seven steps of faith…all we need is an old fashion outpouring of the Holy Ghost!  We need the Spirit of God to saturate our churches and to empower the people of God!  This is the answer for our world and especially for our young people – they need the power of the Holy Ghost!
As church came to an end, we were picking people up from the altar and off of the floor. People were still praying for one another. I watched grandparents embracing their grand kids talking in tongues with tears pouring down their cheeks as the Spirit of the Lord moved on the next-generation.  It was a powerful meeting!

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