Thursday, October 22, 2015

What a Mightly God We Serve!

Reverend Melvin L. Sanchez writes:

The three day conference here has been amazing!  The level of faith and expectation was just incredible. During the worship, people were singing, shouting and dancing before the Lord. There was such a freedom and liberty in the atmosphere; it was beautiful.  Normally, it would take two or three days of meetings to get the people unified – not this time.  This time, it seems like every church and Pastor came into the meetings looking for God to do something in their lives. The church was so packed during the services that you could hardly find a seat. As people came into the church, they added additional seating.

I taught on the Last Day Outpouring of the Holy Ghost and the church’s responsibility to take this anointing out and do the impossible – all while establishing God’s kingdom and reaping the harvest of souls for Jesus Christ.  I cannot and I do not think I could ever be able to express the outpouring of the Holy Ghost that took place service after service.  The move of God was so rich and so powerful that at one point, it seemed like everything in the building shook.  God filled many believers with the Holy Ghost and fire! They spoke in tongues as the spirit gave them the utterance.  There was no struggle nor any resistance…the Spirit of the Lord just simply fell upon the believers.

As God moved, people were falling out everywhere – this was not a move of emotions, but a call of God.  It was an empowering of a people that God was getting ready to send forth into his vineyard.  The praise, the cry and the worship of God’s Peruvian children filled the air which drew more people into the church causing them to come down to the alter for prayer.

As the power of God continued to move, God was so gracious to allow me to operate in the gifts of the Spirit. Words of wisdom and the word knowledge flowed through me like water.  God revealed to me peoples plans, prayers, desires and dreams.  I was able to speak into peoples lives which brought great healings and confirmations.  It also brought forth mighty deliverances from hurts and pains of the past.  Our great Lord Jesus, (the balm of Gilead) did not just heal physical pain but he healed deep emotional pains that medicines would never be able to reach!  As the Spirit moved, people were healed of physical aliments, arm pain, leg pains, stomach and pack pains, headaches and many other sicknesses were healed instantly.  God was in the church and He was making His presence known!

It was so wonderful to see unbelievers coming to the altar for prayer. Not only did God save them, but He healed them and filled them with the Holy Ghost! Families were completely restored; they stood in circles crying and hugging one another!  Husbands and wives cried as they embraced their children!  The prodigal sons and daughters came home!  Halleluiah!

Altar calls seemed to last for hours but the only thing that mattered to us was that God had His way.  It was amazing to see how God walked through the church and transformed so many lives.  Even the children were empowered by the Holy Ghost!  They were falling out and talking in tongues…just like the adults!  God was not about to wait another 20 years to rise up the next generation…He was doing it right then and there.
God was calling Pastors, sunday school teachers, youth leaders, evangelist and missionaries; it was powerful. The spirit of the Lord just kept raining down and God started breaking chains of bondage off of people’s lives! The spirit of fear had to go! Depression and suicide left peoples lives as the light of Gods glorious love broke the dark shackles that bound people to a lie!

One lady said this dark demonic thing was in her life and was holding her prisoners with some kind of chain – it had bound her for years.  I laid my hands on that the lady and said, “In Jesus name, women thou art loosed!”  The minute I said those words, it was like a lightning bolt struck us booth and she was free!  She exclaimed, “The chains are gone, the dark demon is gone, the fear is gone, the pain is gone!  I am free!  I am free!  Freedom!  Freedom!”  Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!!  I’m sorry, I am Pentecostal…I just had to shout all over again!  She was free from sin, free from her past! Free from the tormenting demons that haunted her mind!  Tears filled my eyes and I cried as I watched God filled her with the Holy Ghost!  I said to myself, “Take that devil, you will never be able to torment her again because greater is He that is in her than he that is in the world!”  As God continued to move on her, my mind began to think of the song that says:

I’m free from the fears of tomorrow
I’m free from the guilt of the past
I’ve traded my shackles for a glorious crown
I’m free, praise the Lord free at last.

God just continued to amaze me…He touched my mouth and I was able to speak to the people better than I ever have.  Pastor Gustavo didn’t even have to follow me to translate on one particular night because somehow, and for a moment in time, God was helping me to speak and understand Spanish better than ever before.

I could go on and on but just know this…Pastors have been restored, empowered and encouraged.  There is such joy and expectation for the move of God in every church!  God moved on the people but He moved on us just as much!  There were times when the cloud of God’s presence just filled the church and nobody could minister we all just wept and cried.  We laid on the floor and around the altar as God dealt with our lives.  This was precious time with God!

It was hard to leave because everyone was hugging and praying for one another!  God just kept moving!  Surely the presence of the lord was in this place and I could feel His mighty power and grace.  This is truly one conference none of us will ever forget!  We give God all the glory, honor and praise for the marvelous work He has done!  What a mighty God we serve!

Thank you for all your prayers!

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